Uhuk uhuk uhuk *batuk kering*
I am finally done 'going through' the The Vampire Diaries Season 1. OMG...I am falling for Stefan Salvatore over & over again. Took a sneak peek on the Season 2 just now. Damn...his squirrel's diet doesn't do any good to his figure. It's obvious he's in dire need of some human blood.
Stefan getting skinnier yet still incredibly romantic...while Damon getting meaner
What I read is totally different from what they've filmed. And I like that fact regardless the dying curiosity. I wanted to wait until all 22 episodes of Season 2 aired before watching them in one go. I've successfully downloaded all 3 episodes already...gue chenta banget ama lor cik Err.

This season I'll be able to see more of his asset; the sexy abs. And man, his chops is driving me nuts! DQ...thanks.

This guy belongs to Grunge + Laura. Sharelah kamu ah. And in S2, we got to see some eruption in his ego. Vulnerable & he's in love with that beau. What beau? Ok won't spill anything anymore...nanti ada orang snapped my neck just like what Damon did to that cute guy. Woot...terbucur 1 scene.
Luminous Julia.
Anywoot, I'm gonna buy Elizabeth Gilbert's book titled Eat, Pray & Love. Here's the deal, I will either read the book prior watch the movie or vice versa. Julia Robert's movie is something I always look forward to. Some said EP&L is too shallow to resonate but I wanna watch it nonetheless. I enjoyed bing!-ing about what I wanna 'feed the eyes'; I read quite bad reviews about this movie. Like, that will stop me from going to the cinema huh.
This movie is based on a true story...which is why I am so eager to put it in my must-watch list. It will make one ponder about life choices a bit wider...and perhaps forgive one flaws. That's according to Jenna* Busch from The Huffington Post*.
Nanti gue bagi reviewnya ya. And perhaps will not spill too much of the whole story. Masak sudah kena mara gara2 Devil tu hari.
Kao amek lah sesaper pun.
Stefan aku yg punyer arr.
~Cousin cute anda~
Menyesal tahap cipan dapat kazen gni tau. Stefan xhengen sama lor.
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