Sedang menghitung hutang yang perlu dilangsaikan once the Ramadhan ended. Aku lah penghutang yang paling berjaya saat ini. 8 days has it been. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to fast. Macam lain jak rasa diri bila semua puasa, yang aku bersukaan malar makan.
Do I need to gripe about the menses that seem so stubborn to stop its cycle? Hmm itu boleh dikategori kufur. 2 makhluk mulia kiri & kanan aku ni punya buku that record every single words that slipped out of my mouth. They would NEVER missed jotting down every details; precisely & accurately.
Laura & Grunge crashed my calm crib last night. And my, they wrecked hard. Ndak pernah tu rumah gitu bising...aku juga yang maitain ayu bersuara perlahan. U sure wanna buy what I said, no? I'm telling the truth here...ain't exaggerating anything.
Because they craved for hamcoi ayam...I had to fulfil their request. I made *totally tasteless* ikan merah asam pedas as well . Hamcoi didn't taste like it used to because I got them not at the grocery shop I normally buy. Tapi tu 2 orang kebulur masih cakap sedap...betul2 lidah buaya kan. Grunge claimed she fast the whole day just to stuff her tummy with my cooking. Alkisah, semua bakal suffer diarrhoea.
She seems so dedicated explaining & sharing the info about RO with mother...but was pretty alert when Grunge wanted to take a candid pic of her. Flash is the kinda distraction the PPGs would pay no mind to. Vain us!
While the chief played her role...1 of the 'vain' member hijacked my phone & snap her pics like nobody business. Bukti dia clickaholic tahap paling pure.

This evening akan bersihkan diri supaya esok dapat berpuasa dengan jayanya. Insya Allah. Janganlah ada kesan degil yang suddenly muncul.
p/s Mel, next time they told u about makan2 at my place, u have to get ready. Body & soul cause they ain't joking girl!
Hujan rahmat di luar...sungguh aku chenta akan bau air yang jatuh menyembah bumi.
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