Alkisah as soon as I reached home from work...terus bersiap ala kadar yang memang sangat berkadaran & straight to fetch Grunge. Rumah adalah dekat, just a spit away. TIPU.
Janji 'meeting' pukul 8am...tapi kakak besar; Laura, madam besar; Maya & wanita baru berkahwin; Jess adalah lambat cipan. Luckily Grunge ada & Mel arrived not long after kami mencemar bontot.
As always, being surrounded by my not so cantik tongol sayur pahit ladies will inject positive ions into the blood. I felt less emotional & less dramatic. In fact, rasa seperti baru dicas semula. Wah gitu. *ok seriously poyo*
Transferring Grunge's engagement long awaited pictures.
Newest & youngest member of the PPGs...c Madam Besar; Maya Linawa G.

I super heart them despite ordering the bubbles-less drink. Damn!
Because I don't own have an FB account anymore to upload the pictures there hence I will upload more of the E-day pictures; here. Taken by Laura & yours truly. Sorry for the delay. Bijak pandai cik Err telah mendelete account bertuahnya itu.
Ehem ko fikir ada ka orang menunggu untuk melihat? Ohh HARUS ada kan Grunge.
semalam sa cari2 ko di FB
tia siok la ko teda d FB, sa mau tgk gambar =(
ERNIE! Sy dtg angin mo
daylete bah tu.
Ada jg sy upload sni
tp xlah byk beralbum2
mcm dlm fb. Huhuhu.
Sepa lg klu bukan lor.
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