Let's start with sesi ngedate-cum-iftar ama temen2 YS last Mon. Buang tabiat berslang Indon hancur di situ. Only part of the 'members' joined the session as most of them weren't free. Terikat dengan urusan kerja; tersebut kisah.

Ahli majlis...ndak cukup forum. Tetap bising, nonetheless. Kizzy & Daia; we miss u ladies. Ernie & Pijut; sila bersabar. Ngeh~
Didn't take much pics though. We were too occupied with updates & stories also gossips session. Too carried away I nearly forgot my promise to visit Aniki before 9pm.
Aniki with yours truly. As commanded required, his face harus disorok. Sekian.
Alhamdulillah...I managed to keep my promise. Membawa ahli majlis ambushed rumah IjaLyn. Finiey whom is 6 months preggy; share hal2 pregnancy & delivery with Lyn. While us yang bujang mujang share aura girigitan sama Aniki. Only Ell & I have the gut to hold Aniki though. Yam & Zai haven't 'earn' the courage yet. Time will tell...kunun kau di sana cik Err.
Yesterday, departed from home sweet home early in the morning. First destination was Kepayan. Pigi membayar kerusi rotan mother booked last Sun. And that soon will replace the rotten decaying sofa at home. The children is the main reason on why we need to buy a new sofa this year. It's NOT exactly sofa raya for us...it just happened that we purchased it near raya. Alang2 la mau menukar...biar tukar time ni. Merasa kunun sofa nan keras baru. Choi!
1 Borneo was the next stop. Spent hours there. And sangat happy for I finally got to buy new bedsheets & curtains for my room! Ni tahun kunun ikut tema warna bilik. Bamboo-green & fuchsia-pink. Semangat mau raya padahal puasa ndak penuh. Kin panas!
Watched Grown Ups with mother. I recommended this movie. Manatau kau sedang stress, sedang alami bad-hair day, sedang dalam fasa meroyan, sedang perlu mahu ketawa untuk jadi sewel...cerita ni memang stok untuk memburai perut. Family oriented lagi. Memang best. Aku ketawa macam orang separa gila sedar.
And we wrapped our Merdeka holiday by having iftar at Olde Kopitiam, City Mall. Our iftar la sangat padahal aku ni masih bercutian. Super delicious ice tea they serve akan ku kenang sampai akhir hayat. Yes, I heard u. Melancholy moi! So sorry I just can't help it. Tried getting rid of it many times before, but to no avail. Erm poyo gaban mau mati.
At around 930pm, Laura fetched Grunge & I up. Headed to Yoyo Lintas, lepak2 catching up things. Dapat new Singapore dress from Laura as well. And it's PINK! Oh I so know I love my ladies for something. Tetttt! Silap ayat tu kan.
At around 930pm, Laura fetched Grunge & I up. Headed to Yoyo Lintas, lepak2 catching up things. Dapat new Singapore dress from Laura as well. And it's PINK! Oh I so know I love my ladies for something. Tetttt! Silap ayat tu kan.
The PPGs will be having dinner at my house tonight. Laura's going to 'brainwash' mother about the RO water filter. As for the rest, harus jadi sang penyibuk pok silap mau makan hamcoi. Malas2 aku serve pudding jak nanti tu. Mogot poh pudding...ontok di aiso, kon? Erk...the vicious side of me has emerged, eventually!
Starting from the moment I reached cafe this morning, I've been going in & out the loo for like more than 10times already. Bersyukurla, dari ditarik nikmat aku buang air kecil. Kepenatan berulang alik but still...better than not being able to pee at all. Lagi haru biru.
p/s Awal pagi mood naik tahap membimbangkan...craving for Big Apple alkisahnya.
wuu wuu wuu.. nda dpt ikut.. nda dpt pegang peyut c finiey.. tp aku gembira oh.. sebab ko ingat jg sama aku :D syg ko err.. wpun ko malas mo rindu aku.. :D --pijut
eryantie!!! wah blog baru ka babe?
huhu jeles mau p tgk aniki jugakkkk!!!
@Pijut: Sentiasa igt ko. Walau aku malas mo rindu. Hahahaha ayat smart!
@Kizzy: Manada blog baru beb. Yg ni la blog public aku & sentiasa diupdate. Insya Allah. Bah cepat ko atur msa kita jmpa Aniki.
bah.. ya la.. nda payah ko rindu aku.. biar aku ja rindu ko :D
@Pijut: Aku rindu ko dari hati yang dlm. Jd xbole ckp kuat2. Hihihi. Nnt bernanah hati.
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