Early this morning, prepare the dish to bring to Along house. Semua sepakat membawa berkat bawa dish masing2. It's ala-pot luck kinda eid for the family this year. I have to admit, eid this time is rather dull. Less merrier unlike the previous years.
The Angah's didn't come back for they'll only be back in December during the school holiday. Yahya was in Sandakan. And Bungsu paling sedih amat...it's his 1st raya without the wife. 7 months has it been, still sedih tu kuat lekat di jiwa.
After visiting the late family members' resting places, we headed straight to Putatan. The 1st of raya has always been the day where all the family members gather at Along's place. It was a simple yet meaningful gathering. Food was great. What's important is that masih ada family to share love & tenderness.

Imperfection makes us a perfect family. Very true indeed.

Angah & family in Kolumpur. Miss my cousin sister; Ezza.

Went to Tg. Aru in the afternoon. Visited Aunty Ida.
Didn't go beraya anywhere else after Tg. Aru because mother & I decided to join Ronn & Brenda for a movie session. Watched Resident Evil *'normal' version* at Suria, Sabah. Thanks to the cousin for the movie treat. Still ndak puas hati for I have set the mind to watch RE in 3D. Kept telling myself the scenes would have been much more better if it's in 3D...each time scene gugur jantung played on the screen. It's very unfortunate for us, by the time I arrived at the counter...the ticket for 3D show is selling fast & the only seats left were in the Goat Class. Heaven knows how the head aches & eyes sore when watching 3D in such distant. Memang tempah penyakit.
In front of the hall entrance; GSC Suria Sabah.

This I will definitely watch with Grunge, Rio & Mel this coming Weds. Harus gitu.
And as for tomorrow...I'll be heading off to Kota Marudu & Pitas for Jac_Leon's wedding mass & reception. Have to sleep early to recharge myself...will be driving for hours hence a good sleep is what I really need. Safety is my top priority when I'm on the road.
Semoga Dia berkati perjalanan ku esok hari. Insya Allah.
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