Last night was the PPGs weekly 'meeting' at Yoyo, Lintas. Main agenda was to discuss about our Bercuti Raya trip next Saturday. It's Jess' first meeting with us after changing her status to Mrs. She colored her hair back to black...and my, she looks radiant. Tu aura bahagia sudah memancar gitu.

No more 'blond jokes' from her in the future...Grunge won't have point to tease her anymore. Hmm harus cari point lain ni tau. Tapi semalam menyaksikan point c Laura a.k.a The Chief. And I will never forget the paddy thingy; my whole life. It seems that Jess' blondness has transmitted to her. Kesian deh lor.

We have so much fun talking & laughing. Things I always love when being surrounded by these beautiful tongol ladies. We make fun out of everything. Masa pun ndak kesedaran berlari laju. Tiap kali jumpa, mesti ada tagline baru. Gumbira. *Saya tulung tension untuk kau*
I got these. Finally, my hands on the latest masterpiece of my fav Indonesian author. Thanks to Jacqueline for the book. Also the yummy tiramisu cookies all the way from Singapore. Thanks Rosmah!
Oh...because I like enjoyed making so much complain of the stubborn migraine, constant urination, back ache; I decided to try the thing above. Laura's been nagging on why I should take it; since forever. Each time I opened my mouth to gripe about my not so well being, one compulsory words I will hear from her. "Makan tu spirulina...minum lots & lots of plain water."
Oh assure about the spirulina darling. Itu gue bole guarantee akan habis masuk perut. But not the latter, as u know that I can't promise. Tawar & payau the throat refused to let it pass. Punya gaya mengada...padahal dulu boleh telan air paip lagi. Choii. I took 5 tablets of the spirulina during the sahur & ended up being in the toilet bercirbir not long after. Punya cepat tu reaction. Ngeh~
Today marked the first day of my 2 weeks raya holiday. Purposely woke up a bit late. After shower, mission with mother began. Since this is the last week of Ramadhan, we decided to redecorate the house. Decorate if rumah kau tu standard banglo besar cik Err. Ok tukar more appropriate ayat...rearranging & cleaning. Amatlah 'besar' we finished everything after the break-of-fast.
Aku adalah rasmi penat...kelenjar peluh bekerja super aktif since morning. Alhamdulillah. Best macam ni sebab ndak sedar pun aku puasa. Tau2 jak dekat Maghrib sudah. We only had drink for buka puasa at home. Later after MagPra baru makan berat sikit at Kak Nong's. Berbaloi2 penat ni hari...dinner was on mother. I is like sebab jimat. The kemut cik Err!
10 malam terakhir dalam Ramadhan adalah malam di mana malaikat2 Allah terbang bebas ke rumah2 untuk memberi rahmat. Alangkah beruntung siapa yang berjaga malam, beribadat kepada Nya. Aku mahu tergolong dalam kelompok itu, Insya Allah dengan izin Nya.
laura jd org elken ka skrg? aku pun member tp smpi skrg blum beli apa2. hehe (sianti la yg promote aku join elken ni)tp spirulina mmg best kan? -pijut
Pijut, Daddy c Laura org kuat Elken. Dia dr dlu tu mmg kempen spirulina sama aku. Mmg best & byk benefit tp aku slalu malas gaban mau makan tu. Bah rajin2 ko sna makan jg, bgs utk perut/rahim jg tu.
oh.. mmg org lama dlm elken sd la tu.. aku selalu tangguh2 tu.. sebab kan.. mahal bah.. haha.. skg ni aku kan nda bergaji dr july.. nt aku mo gasak jg tu spirulina.. cepat penat ba aku skrg.. by 2pm mmg aku layu suda
Aku rasa berpuluh thn suda Daddy dia dlm Elken. Laura baru jak aktifkan diri. Ya bah mmg mahal tp worth it. Bagus la ko makan tu Pijut, org bilang at least ada usaha utk jg kesihatan kan. Take care. x
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