A very half-productive Monday for me. Woke up late. Like I said in my previous post, I am so gonna use the holiday opportunity wisely. Resumed my sleep after SuPra. Haruskah tabiat bongos dipraktik?
Did a little bit of house chores after bathe. Loaded the dirty curtains into the washing machines & while waiting for it to finish I killed the time surfing the net; searching for movies to download. Cleared the clothes-line. And because I was too lazy to fold the dry-out clothes, I have brilliantly left myself with piles of unfolded clothes in the room. Will get them folded by tonight; before mom blows her flageolet. I also managed to hang the curtains up. Bravo me...superwoman kan.
The weather's been rather gloomy since morning. And the children got carried away with the gloominess. DQ kejangkitan. There wasn't a sight of them running & chasing around the house. Aman sikit jiwa aku buat kerja. Kalau ndak, ada jak yang supervise apa aku buat.
This was what they did the whole day. Soundly sleeping on my bed. Tempat beradu harus mau best jak.
Note: Cheeloh & Cafe do like sleeping next to each other. And mind u, both are MALE. Speaking of a gay 'cat' partner ya'll.
Towards the evening, Cafe got out from my room. Kerana panas, he decided to sleep by the window. Mengambil angin petang. Betul2 next to where I sat. Attention seeker by nature that he is. Sayang Cafe.
Last Sunday, while mother & I were busy cleaning the house, seems that Cafe has found new friends. Lucky he didn't grrr at them.
Did some re-coordinating to my bedroom as well. Swifted the position of the bag-hanger with the side tables. Nothing much I could do since mother refuse to help me move my super heavy closet. Will put the curtains up this Thurs...also change the bedsheets. Betul kau poyo semangat raya kan cik Err...padahal puasa bukan penuh.
To Grunge whom requested me to upload a pic of my so-called living area...this is the best I could show off to u darl. U'll need to come over to my house to see the rest. Duigia cakap macam saya ubah layout tu rumah kan. That's the sofa u asked the other day. Area rasmi saya minta puji tinguk tv sudah tu sekarang. Tongol kan.
On another note, Mel & Grunge bespoken the recipe for hamcoi ayam just now. I'm gonna cook hamcoi, hence become my meal for iftar today. So as to fulfill their request. Will post about it in my next entry. Hmm as if recipe kau tu paling voom kan. Walhal nan ado.
I is craving for Aniki. Gonna meet him tomorrow after iftar; together with Kizzy & Zai.
bahagia nya aku tengok beg2 ko yg bergantung tu!!! eee..-pijut
damnit. we have the same bag! The pink Loewe bag. LOL. Talk ' bout taste. ;p
I love fink! okay it's pink. But i prefer to say it Fink! Heee :p weeii, uplod lg ur room. suka pula sa tingu. misti byk fink tu kannn.. ;p
@Pijut: Mmg bahagia tp everytime kluar aku bingung apa beg mau pakai sbb mcm xda kaler match dressing aku. Ngeh~~~
@Danne: YES talk abt taste! Byk bah kita sama. Fink sounds cute. Pinjam la kio tu ayat. Thaaaanks. Hihihi more fink once sy psg tu new bedsheets. Muntah darah! LOL
senang ja selesaikan masalah ko tu.. nda payah ko pening2.. beli ja beg baru bah.. "satu baju, satu beg".. kikiki (ayat c atin sama aku masa aku cari beg) -pijut
Huah beg baru lagi? Ada mom aku tekuar biji mata meninguk aku. Yg skg ni ada lg blum terpakai. Iiiitu jak beg aku pakai pdhl ada beg lain lg.
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