Alkisah tuan punya blog baru balik dari ngedate sama Aniki. Yang bener...gue ada acara sungkai ama temen2 di Ipoh Kopitiam, KC. Udah kenyang
Kizzy belum ketemu si kenit Aniki...Yam, Zai & I cuma jadi penyibuk. Aku lah pegang title penyibuk paling setia. Harus. Biar sejuta kali, aku ndak kisah dilabel gitu.
During our acara makan2 cum gossip I got too carried away with the updates I forgot to take pic of us. NOT. It's because I was busy playing with Kizzy's new toy; Sara that I forgot the existence of my hp's camera. Ever since Pinkie's charger dipinjam & dibuat waris mutlak...I've entirely depend on my hp to snap pic. Jangan tanya napa ndak guna khidmat si Blackie. Ara?
As that managed to passed through the standard test; boleh diupload. The precondition set up by Aniki's parents.
Aunty lebih kuah dari sudu. Pose harus mau outshadow Aniki.
Sorry lah yer...sebelah mata jak dapat ditayang.
Pic courtesy of Kizzy.
Ohooo I is not practicing skills to handle new born baby. Because I've been trained since I was 8. Wah gitu...kau jangan riak sudah ah cik Err. I learned almost everything when my 1st cousin sister; Ezza was born. At the age of 10, aku kira cekap kasi mandi baby. Alhamdulillah ada juga guna2nya apa yang aku dipaksarela buat dulu. I could clearly see the objective now. Boleh apply tanpa susah hati...boleh girigitan lebih dari orang lain. Yes; that's the main point there!
Ok it's time already, gotta resume my date with Min Jae. Later ya.
oit!! u uploaded the whole pic of the cute aniki!!! breach of contract sd ko ni..wakakakakka
Wakakakak manada breach tu.
As long as xnmpk the whole face
then it's ok to upload.
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