Sesungguhnya Allah turunkan dugaan kepada hambaNya kerana 2 perkara. It's either untuk uji kesabaran or kerana kesalahan hamba itu sendiri.
Either way, both ada hikmah hidden beneath everything. What happened this evening really tested me to my utmost. In fact, it's the most challenging event for me in Ramadhan this year.
Kalau itu jalan untuk buat aku lebih sabar. Kalau itu akan buat aku jadi lebih baik. Kalau itu mampu hapuskan dosa semalam. Kalau itu boleh dijadikan jaminan untuk claim balasan di 'sana'. I accept everything with an open heart.
I always have strong faith over my intuition. The heart been pounding unevenly for the past few days...and I pretty much know it ain't occurred for nothing. This morning when mother told me to get ready for our shopping raya, I just didn't feel like going out. No energetic mode turned on. I dragged the time & finally gave up when I saw mother gave me her warning look.
Aku bersiap ala kadar...tanda tiada mood mau berjalan.
Ala kadar yang ala taik kucing ada. Punya minta puji padahal plan mau membeli lampu lip lap jak.
Ndak sempat sampai destinasi...tyre went flat at the Gaya St. area. Bro came to rescue. U should see he sweat. Gila macam air terjun.
1 of the screw was so hard to pull out...hence mother & I walked to the shop in front of the bus terminal. Looking for a mechanic. Nan ado. Fortunately bro managed to pull it off not long after. Sempat bedak aku cair...kaki aku lenguh sebab jalan ala jauh.
Change of destination. Headed to the workshop in Sadong. Turned out, the tyre was flat because it got 'pregnant'. Wires coming out. And surprise us not, bukan 1 jak yang pregnant. But all 4 tyres. Talking about trial. Talking about 'excessive' moolah. Talking about raya budget. And talking about patience facing obstacles during fasting. Puasa bukan jak tahan lapar, tapi tahan nafsu segala nafsu. Ara, cik Err?
Syukran the tyre went flat. If not, we wouldn't know that the rest aren't in safe condition anymore. Sudahlah aku mau berjalan jauh this 2nd of raya. Alhamdulillah...kan ada hikmah yang 1 tu kebocoran.
Mother redha...semua yang jadi mesti ada hikmah. So I said to her. Allah ambil 1 barang dari kita, hanya untuk digantikan dengan yang lebih baik. Berganda baik. Allah itu Maha Kaya, sila jangan buruk sangka.
And the ever occasionally cheerful moi. Personally I'm proud of my achievement. I didn't feel like cursing nor swearing...even being mad at what happened. Not even for a second. Text-ed the bffs & disgorged the news. As usual, they were more concerned on safety, top priority. Thanks sisters & brothers!
Oh my, I am so in love with myself at that moment. Setenang air di kali...wah gitu.
After changing all her tyres, Kens underwent the alignment & balancing phase. Chamber needed to be replaced as well...makan tayar kunun.
Why did I changed all 4? It's all because of the long journey this Sat. After what happened to Jess' car, I don't think I wanna endure another situation as such. Masak!

And later tonight, to balance out the intense event I decided to go out with this love birds. We had dinner at Peppermint, Karamunsing Capital. Scrummy meal & great companions; I is getting more positive vibe. Bliss!
Alhamdulillah ya Allah untuk dugaan ini. Moga aku jadi lebih kuat untuk hadapi yang lebih mencabar di masa depan. Insya Allah. Pray well for my journey to Kudat this Sat, ya.
Tiada sesuatu yang sukar akan menjadi mudah tanpa redha & kebenaran dari Mu.
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