Bukan lah terer masak sangat...orang bilang bolehlah buat perut sendiri kenyang & perut orang lain cirbir.
As requested by my beloved PPGs; Grunge & Mel...here I present my very own way of cooking my fav dish; hamcoi ayam. And recently this has become Grunge's fav as well. Soon Mel will follow the step I assume.

Left to right (upper) & left to right (bottom):
1. Wash the salted veggie entirely. Celah2 daun as well. It's important as to wash away the remaining preservatives.
2. The other main ingredients. Onion, Ginger, Cili Padi, Hirisan Ayam (but I prefer tulang belulang)
3. Tumis all the above except ayam.
Note: Sila guna minyak banyak dari biasa untuk kesan lebih umphh.
4. Bila tumisan lebih kurang garing, put in the chic. DO NOT add any water. Kena rajin stir as to avoid adegan perlekatan isi ayam + badan kuali.
5. Agak ayam half-cook, baru masuk hamcoi. And add some water. Stir & stir.
6. Cover the pan...and tunggu till air kering. It's done when u hear the 'chrip chrip' oil sound. I know it sounded tongol but hey, that's what my mother taught me. And it's proven berkesan. Ara?
I don't really have specific recipe for this dish. Like what I always tell the ladies, I cook hamcoi ayam ikut suka jiwa raga. Main buang semua dalam kuali & voila, it's done.
This is the outcome. The pic might not look that scrumptious...but wait till u taste it. Wah gitu...perasan maut. But Grunge would vouch me on this. Also the rest of the ladies who have tasted this dish. Bukan sebab aku masak, tapi sayur ni memang super sedap.
After iftar & selesai urusan with Him...I started the task I've been procrastinating since last Sun. Bravo lazy-bone cik Err.

Told so, memang ada supervisor kalau buat kerja di rumah. Folded the piling clothes with Cheeloh monitoring. Done in less than 30minutes. Alhamdulillah.
And later, I moved to the kitchen. Mother assigned me a task earlier this morning. That is to transfer the raya cookies into a proper containers. Alkisah supaya nampak kemas. Yes, it's so mother.
Raya cookies adalah pada kadar berpatutan...we don't intend to organized any open house this year. Sekian.
Ok gonna hit the sack early tonight. Tomorrow there's more tasks to do. Need to wake up early...ndak baik perempuan bangun lewat tiap hari. Rezeki jadi mahal sama diri.
Hands on the new novel last night...siokness.
1. No open house..jd sepa yg mo tulung kamu mkn tu kuih????
2. Asl nampak hamchoi ayam ko, trus sa lpr balik... erghhh
1. Kami makan2 sndr la. Tula kami beli skit spya xla lama kami kasi abis.
2. Wakakakak masak lagi bah. Nnt kita makan ramai2.
sy lambat tingu ni post, but am gonna try the recipe! thankssss
Cepat try. Kami mo rasa.
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