20 March 2011

Bingai biar betul johan!

So after few postponed & cancelled dates with the TM* technician because no one was home to monitor his work. He finally managed to come over to my house yesterday afternoon since a friend of mine was at home. He fixed the twisted landline internal wires & my internet connection is back to functioning. He told me that the twisted cables/wires was the cause I couldn't get online for nearly 1 bloody month! Obviously I pay my bill for something I didn't get to use. Before going to the cafe, I will stop by at TMPoint* to ask for rebate tomorrow. The best I could do to calm my roiling heart.

Oh by the way, something tickled yerterday. And at the same time annoyed me pretty bit. Read my conversation with the technician via texts below.

Mr Tech: Miss, tu wire semua twisted. Mau tukar & reconfigure tu internet. Cost RM180.

Princess: Adui mahal. Tiada discount kah bos?

Mr Tech: Bah Rm150 lah.

Princess: Still mahal. And it's not my fault the wires got twisted. I never kacau or even touch them.

Mr Tech: Jadi how lah this?

Princess: Hmm nevermind lah that. I will terminate the connection terus. No use to pay for something yang selalu rosak.

And few secs later, the friend at home called.

Ms. A: So how? U want to proceed fixing or just leave it.

Princess: Biarlah tu. Mahal. Rm150 for ridiculous thing.

Ms. A: Aik he told me it only cost Rm80.

Princess: But he said to me Rm150 bah just now.

Ms. A: *double check with Mr. Tech* Ur bloody-fool technician said RM80.

Princess: Behhhhh taik kucing ayam. Ask him to continue lah. Then before he goes home, make sure ko duku & timbak lolo* dia.

Ms. A: Hahaha. Stupid kan. Ntah apa motif mau menipu. Ketara mau kaut untung lebih.


ugh Kenapalah bingai sangat?!!? Sah lah kawan tu memang stay rumah aku. Sahlah she will call & we definitely would talk about the cost. Mau duit kopi lebey biarlah buat sehabis baik. Aduiii. Ilmu menipu belum master berabis lah kali ni. Kin rusak imej technician jak tau.

Thanks for fixing my line nonetheless. I am happy the connection is back & laju giler. Paksa fikir 2 kali mau terminate or ndak. Celcom's internet line could be such a great pain in the ass sometimes. Loading a single page can take up to 10 minutes to complete!

Fikir & fikir lagi...decide wisely Bie. To save or to waste?? Hmmmm.



in THE name OF the WHO said...

terminate sj ba
mlm sj ko guna kan
ari2 lain ko d opis juga
paloing2 fully use time weekend
x guna benda klu balik2 rusak and balik2 tu TM mo songlap tusin ko

Unknown said...

U'r saying this because u'r using broadband kan. Hahaha. Ya bah pikir2 balik ni mlm sija sy guna. And weekend. Tu pun klu sy xkuar. Laju ba klu landline, tula. But again, usin sy juga habis. Hmmm...terminate!

still the berry said...

punya main berabisan tu technician mo kaut untung.. ish3..
rumah kami d twu ni dulu guna bband. tp tau la.. semua org mo guna.. mana juga mo tahan tunggu giliran.. last2 pasang streamyx juga.. :D gpun terbiasa sd, rumah aku d ranau bertahun2 sd streamyx

Unknown said...

Itula sapal. Ada rasa mau duku jak kepala dia. Nasib masa aku smpi rumah kelmarin, dia sudah chow.

Sini aku sorang yg surf since the brother is working in Mabul sudah kan. Lagipun aku ada subscribe Celcom internet line & fon aku bole jadi modem if aku mau online thru the lappy. Masalah dia, line Celcom bole bikin gue gila. Klu lmbt, btl2 kin panas. ugh

in THE name OF the WHO said...

lambat pun bukan lambat betaun2 menunggu
skrg sa ada BroadBand lagi
Celcom sd terminate
left with DG
but Dg lambat gila but alah bisa tegal biasa
terminate jak ba
@ least ko buli on9 juga

Unknown said...

Uhuk kira bertahun jg tu lmbt dia. Sempat sy masak suma itu ini. Cuci kain & jemur. Hahaha exaggerating!

Ala bis tegal biasa ah. Boleh blah la ko pnya peribahasa sna.