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Shenzhen (Visa on Arrival, Part 2)
As promised, the accommodation I stayed at during my recent trip to Hong Kong. I paid for a 3 nights stay. Eventhough sempat menyelinap pigi Macau & Shenzhen, tetaplah stay at one place. Lagipun it was only a day trip to those 2 places. Bukan lama di Hong Kong, jadi idea untuk tukar2 hostel haruslah kurang brilliant. Gitu!
Hostel: New Tokyo Hostel
Location: Blok D, 8th Floor, Chung King Mansion, Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Duration of stay: 30 June 2013 - 3 July 2013
Total Price: HKD 1200 (Double room)
Booked via
How to get to Chung King Mansion from Hong Kong International Airport:
Take bus #A21 & alight at the 13th stop (Nathan Road). The building will be on ur left side.
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Regardless the many reviews about the salespeople that crowded Chung King Mansion, I found this place safe for travellers. Well, at least for me & Bunda. Just ignore them & they will not bother you. Say "No, thanks." in a good manner. |
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Security at its best. We saw many funny things happened in the elevator while queuing at the lobby. |

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Initially, I booked for Australian Guest House (located at 16th Floor) but upon check-in, I was told that they have changed my booking to New Tokyo Hostel. Apparently, all those hostels/guesthouse are run by the same company. I didn't mind with the change because New Tokyo Hostel is new & quite clean. Bonus, rather than having to go up to 16th...we just need to take the escalator up to 8th Floor. |
The main door to New Tokyo. This is the view from our room. Although only guest has the key to the main door, we locked our room all the time. Basic thing, kan? |
Self service corner. Such a relief when I saw those packets of 3 in 1 Nescafe drink! Not that I didn't bring any from Malaysia...but the fact that yang aku bawa tu ndak cukup. |
The hostel also provide an internet-connected pc for the guest. Tapi sebab system adalah Windows lama; maka kena tunggu berzaman untuk habis loading 1 page! Tinggal lah impian untuk buat live update dari tanah Hong Kong. Cis!! |
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Lucky enough I read few blogs informing about how "generous" a room space is in Hong Kong prior coming. Else, memang terkejut beruk sama kebesaran ruang upon entering our room. From the door to the bed, hanya ada like 10 steps. Tapi cukuplah kan ruang untuk solat. Ada certain hostel, aku pernah baca blogger(s) solat atas katil. |

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In-room facilities. Siap berpeti-besi ah. Grateful for that little fridge. Energy bar kalau makan sejuk2 sangatlah mantaps! And ouh, bunga walau pelestik namun they are in my favourite color! |
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Bunda is very very particular when it comes to bathroom. It's the first thing she will inspect upon entering. And this hostel gets an A+ from her. "Although the room is small, but the bathroom is super clean." Bilik kecil, bathroom betul2 menghadap our bed ok tapi langsung tiada bau yang kureng menyenangkan. |
Purposely requested for a room with window. Bangunan sudah terover tinggi, mau lemas kalau stay bilik without window ni. |
IF I were to go solo one day...bolehlah imagine how my room looks like. Worry not, ruang untuk solat masih ada tu. |
Alhamdulillah. Done with entry about the accommodation. Kalau rajin nantilah aku bentang budget. Rough budget lah sebab aku seriously ndak ingat berapa HKD spent on food.
memang kecilkan bilik di HK...nak duk hotel besar, mahal sgt...hehehe kami dulu depan pintu masuk, depan toilet tmpt solat...sbb mmg takde ruang mmg la toilet dia super duper bersih...hehehe
hahahaha ok mmg xleh wat aksi pelik2 dalam lift tu..abes kene broadcast same orang yg menunggu kt bawah XD
btw d whole building ni mmg hostel/guesthouse eh?
Sangat. Ada sorang ni, dia xreti nak tekan button dalam lif. Dia duk close the door tapi lift xturun xnaik sebab dia bukannye tekan which floor dia nak gi. Kitorang kat bawah memang bantai gelak, lama gak dia stuck tau.
The whole building ada offices, restaurants & hostels. Tapi mostly memang hostel.
Sangat kecil. Nak yang besaq, kena keluar RM berkeping2 lak kan. Hostel DJ duduk dulu, saya recommend kat kawan sebab dia xberapa nak duk dalam 'mansion' tu. Dek kerana review dia baca kat tenet la.
Aaahhhhh toilet kat sana semua super duper bersih kan.
oo yeke...hostel dkt je ngn chungkin mansion, mcm mana member tu duk situ..ok ke...yg best hostel sy duk tu leh dpt discounted ticket...hehehe jimat wang!hehe
Dia xgi lagi DJ...tapi saya bagi blog DJ untuk reference dia. Sebab dia pun nak gi tempat yang awak gi. Berbaloila kan bole beli siap2 tix tu sume.
ada aku nampak iklan di chung king mansion tu iklan2 hostel, aku curious juga, so dapat juga aku tengok di blog ko. memang typical HK la kecik tapi tak sangka sempit pla bilik hostel tu.NAsib murah.
Yahoo..boleh komen hikss.
Di Chungkin Mansion mmg byk sgt hostel dan guesthouse pilih je mana nk tdo kan...berapa rate per night kat sini
Ramai gak backpackers duk kat Chung King tu. Mansion katanye. Hahaha.
Rate kat Neq Tokyo tu RM 160+/night. Berbaloi gakla sebab kat HK sume pun mahal. Hostel ni wifi laju, 24jam. Hotel JM dulu wifi kat lobby je kan.
Tempat dia ni memang ramai black people & Pakistani/Indians. Tu yang ada xberani stay sini. Bajet travel kan tula meredah jak, tapi ok jak bagi aku. Haha.
Memang sempit, bertabah jak aku. Murah punya pasal...lagipun bukan di bilik pun selalu. Tempat letak barang & mandi & tdur jak knuns.
cantiknya tiles bathroom tu....aku dlu ingat Chungking Mansion ni sgtla hazab, rupa2nya ok ja....ok lg bilik kamu ni, Panda's Hostel lagi sadis, mo buka luggage pun atas katil!
Selalu aku baca reviews d Chung King cuma pasal tu penjual2 depan bangunan ja. Hostels setakat ni semua cakap ok. Sempit tapi boleh lah.
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