Assalamualaikum. 你好
Previous post (here).
Yeah weekend yang super free! Traffic congestion is extremely annoying these days. Asal school holidays jak mesti jalan raya super sesak during weekend. Jadi idea untuk duduk diam2 di rumah adalah brilliant. Sambil masak for lunch, kill time update cerita cuti2 haritu.
Ms G warns me many times to not drag the update...nanti bertindih sama cerita balik kampung hujung bulan ni. Which in the end mesti aku ndak kan continue update cerita pasal last trip. Because she knows I will be more than delighted to update about my balik kampung trip chances for me to not continue updating about the recent HongKong-Macau-Shenzhen trip will probably drops to zero as well.
Therefore for her sake, I decided to start scribbling about my Shenzhen trip today. Tempat yang dia paling curious mau tau & baca. Ada plan ler tu kan.
Kami bertolak awal pagi. But still caught dalam peak hours. Pic taken at Prince Edward MTR station. Transit twice dari Tsim Sha Tsui station before we finally reach Lo Wu; the station that lies between the Hong Kong - Shenzhen border. |
Tsim Sha Tsui (Tseun Wan Line) --> Prince Edward (Kwun Tong Line) --> Kowloon Tong (East Rail Line) --> Lo Wu
It's our second last day in Hong Kong. Jadual kali ni memang packed gila. Sampai jak on the first day, terus start enjin pusing2 Hong Kong Island. Pastu the next day ronda Macau. Then, Shenzhen pula. Sampai Malaysia, drained out habis. Ala bukan selalu.
At Kowloon Tong station. Kami sengaja pilih untuk naik Quiet Car because the journey will take approximately an hour to Lo Wu. Harus ambil peluang untuk membuta, kan. The night before tidur lewat, pastu ndak lena sebab takut terlajak bangun lambat. Padanlah muka! |
Not an underground train anymore...kali ni boleh cuci mata tengok view along the journey. Tapi kan si Err membuta, jadi selamat tinggal view! |
Bebas dari suara manusia bercakap2 dengan volume paling maksimum or was it more to shouting & yelling; ndak peduli ketenteraman & keselesaan penumpang lain. Aman. Eh? |
An hour later, sampailah di Lo Wu station. Perlu berjalan lebih kurang 10-15 minit untuk ke sempadan Shenzhen. But it will take more time untuk orang macam aku yang terkedek sibuk snap sana sini. |
Tujuan utama before going through the border formalities to enter Shenzhen was to search for the Visa Office.
Visa is required for Malaysian who wished to enter Shenzhen. To those who didn't apply prior coming, u don't have to worry as u can apply for Visa On Arrival at the Visa Office at Lo Wu. The office is situated at the first floor; u may have to take the elevator on your left side before the immigration counters. Refer picture above (square red box). |
I purposely didn't apply for the visa although I put Shenzhen in our itinerary. Kenapa? Sebab aku mau try test apply di tempat kejadian itself. I searched for information in the internet prior coming but to no avail. Most of the replies I read; suruh refer sama pejabat imigresen negara masing2. Or check the list negara yang boleh apply visa on arrival ni. I checked & Malaysia belum ada dalam list tapi based on jawapan ada sorang mamat ni bagi di yahoo.answer, aku beranikan diri.
"I just got back from Shenzhen few days ago...I applied for the visa on arrival & was given the 5 days visa. Just bring your passport & of course $$"
Kalau ndak boleh apply, plan B adalah untuk return to Hong Kong & enjoyed myself at Disneyland instead. Ndak salah main api masa ni because I know I've got nothing to lose anyway.
First fill in the form. Yang ni boleh dapat di kaunter outside the office. |
Next, take your number at the machine near the entrance. Wait for ur number to be called. And lastly pay RMB168.
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And tadaaaa...the visa is ready in less than 5 minutes! Bolehlah cepat sebab kami di sana during weekdays. Pastu awal pagi lagi. Haruslah orang pun belum ramai. Masa bercuti2an, aku adalah early bird. |
Please bear in mind though that this visa is valid for 5 days only. And it can't be used to enter any region in China. It is only valid for Shenzhen. So if u're planning to go to other places in China, please apply for the appropriate visa.
Settled with immigration & stuffs; we went out of the building. Naik escalator nun di kiri tu. |
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The commercial centre. Sebelah kanan tu memang banyak shopping lot. Ramai datang sana untuk menyumbang $$ but we had different tujuan that morning. Petang kalau sempat, baru singgah menyumbang di situ. |
Kami turun via the escalator. Bawah tu adalah stesen metro Shenzhen & taxi. |
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Aku memang jenis suka tempah bala. Kunun mau challenge diri sendiri. Just like what I did masa beli tiket to Gapyeong haritu. Lucky this machine ada instruction in Eng. Else, jadi itik lah sana. The other day lulus baca Hangul, tapi Hanzi memang totally terjun laut ok! |
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Walau ada Eng instruction, tetaplah aku bingai salah beli token. It was supposed to be a return journey token. Ndak apalah cari extra kerja, bukan jadi masalah pun untuk beli another token nanti. Ala demi misi "I round the world in a day" kan. |
Memang tujuan datang Shenzhen sebab theme park ni lah. Sampai sana matahari memang panas menggila. Menggigit! Demi misi menawan bangunan2 penting di dunia; aku relakan kulit dibakar mentari. Gitu! |
Lo Wu Station (Metro Line 1) --> Shijiezhichuang (Window of the World) Station (Metro Line 1)
Next entry baru cerita pasal Window of the World (WOW) ni. Pening sudah menaip di hari Ahad. Fuh!
hk, macau, shenzhen..right after one another. aktif nye la u sis!
i'm waiting for d nx post for shenzhen! hehe
oh tak tahu plak boleh visa on arrival utk masuk shenzhen..hehe murah la kan utk 5 days..kat sini mahalll....huhuhu wow tak sabar nak dgr cerita wow!hehehe
Ada kat sana for 4days only, tu yang kena fully utilized. Kalau boleh semua tempat nak terjah, xsempat gi Disneyland je.
Soon akan publish next entry. Hopefully xberzaman lah. Hihi.
Tulah sebab malas nak urus dari Malaysia tu yang gatal cari info pasal visa on arrival. Lagipun saya kat KK kena lak turun KL untuk buat semua tu. Memang x dan. Rasanya yang mahal tu cover visa masuk China terus kot. Yang ni memang khas Shenzhen je.
Hihi wow akan up soon. Xsabar nak habiskan chapter ni.
Masa pergi Hong Kong haritu, patut duduk dekat Shenzhen tapi tak jadi, saya rasa macam jauh pula nak ulang alik kan? by the way shenzen ada apa jer?
Aah memang jauh, dekat sejam. Pastu kena lalu imigresen lagi. Jenuh. Saya gi Shenzhen ni semata theme park tu je. Tapi kawan yang pernah gi bagitau banyak gak tempat menarik kat sana. Senang nak cari halal food too.
I didn't know you pergi shenzhen time pi HK tu. I've never been before tapi oleh kerana post mu ni pasal shenzhen, boleh bagi idea2 mau pergi time aku balik msia nanti
Hihi ya last day before balik Msia the next day, we took the mtr to Shenzhen. Mau merasa pegi the theme park yang ada banyak replica landmark buildings from around the world. Merasalah p AlHambra kejap. Haha.
ini post mmg mengundang kenangan kami di shenzhen oh..ko nda masuk tu bangunan besar shopping mall sana? matai
Saya ingat tu dress hitam pink ko p Shenzhen. Sama kamu makan aiskrim depan kedai. Xmasuk sebab penat abis lepas masuk wow. Dua hati mo masuk last2 decide balik hostel jakla.
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