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Two days of holiday were indeed utilized to the utmost. Managed to ran away from the busy life in Kota Kinabalu albeit only for two days; did rejuvenate the system. Alhamdulillah I managed to have a glimpse of Mount Kinabalu early yesterday morning.
The uni is having its mid term break therefore I would be a bit free this week. Also means, I can take the whole morning to update my blog. Unfortunately, I left my external hard disc at home. For now, I can only update with pictures I've uploaded & saved in the draft folder. Lets continue...
The uni is having its mid term break therefore I would be a bit free this week. Also means, I can take the whole morning to update my blog. Unfortunately, I left my external hard disc at home. For now, I can only update with pictures I've uploaded & saved in the draft folder. Lets continue...
This is the view upon entering The Venetian (world's largest casino). Entrance door di depan sana tu. Near that arca where Jan Di sat after being chased away by Jun Pyo's bodyguards.
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This was also the place where she met Ji Hoo; her life saviour. |
Main purpose to visit this hotel is none other than because of Boys Over Flower. So bear with me mentioning JanDi-JunPyo-JiHoo countless times.
Extensive & intricate ceiling design. Main attraction at this hotel. As if jadi teleng di Hong Kong isn't enough, continue mendongak di Macau pula. Suddenly, rindu Versailles Palace. The ceiling design is quite similar. Sangat menampakkan kemewahan.
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Although di luar building weather adalah super gloomy; awan mendung berarak lesu...but inside this luxurious RenaissanceVenice-themed hotel/mall/casino, it will always be bright & cloudy. Blue skies all day long; regardless it's already dark outside. Great marketing to lure people. Sini ndak kan sedar siang ka malam, truly shop till u drop. Or perhaps, gamble till u broke. Whoops.
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Befooled u shall skies are only ceiling. |
Colonial Venetian architecture. I don't know what's there at the second & third floor. Maybe it's a storage room or maybe hanyalah decoration propa. Nonetheless, walking inside this mall memang rasa macam berjalan di luar bangunan on the street.
Jan Di & Ji Hoo went for the punting thingy but Bunda & I rejected the idea. Too many visitors queueing made us think twice about the initial idea to ride the gondola. Ndak palah, tengok orang naik gondola dulu manatau rezeki lebih boleh bergondola di Venice. Fuh angan2 setinggi tower! Kalau murah bolehlah join nyanyi time atas gondola...buatnya mahal gila, nangis tiada lagulah jawabnya.
We had our tea time; indulging the yummy sandwich & the famous egg tart at Lord Stew's Bakery. The first thing we did after entering the grand mall. Ok tipu, first thing we did was posing ndak hengat dunia. Feeling Kdrama sungguh2. While wandering around, tiba2 perut pun macam ada konsert. The bass sound amplified when my attempt to search for this one particular restaurant went deadlocked.
We toured the mall for nearly an hour...and tadaaaa we came to this view! Adalah gembira paling gaban. Rasa macam mau menari hulahup pun ada. Brilliant me for not searching prior coming.
Upon bumping into this Indian stall, immediately wide smile drawn on the face. We look no further; buang masa round seluruh food court untuk cari which stall yang kami boleh serbu. The tummy showed no mercy to me already. Before si Gastric comes visiting, better settle jaklah sama apa yang sudah di depan mata.
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Spot the Halal Food sticker on the wall. Basically Indian memang ndak makan any type of beef. They consumed only chicken & veggies. But because we were a bit doubtful ayam tu disembelih cara yang betul ka ndak, we decided to be vegetarian instead.
Aku senang jak, once ada rasa sangsi...memang opt benda lain. Different people have different view, kan.
Bunda purposely requested for the food to be served using the bekas tapau. Hentamlah labu, sayur pun sayurlah. Ada roti phrata lagi, tambah mango lassi lagi.
After lunch, we wandered around the mall. Memang besar, memang menyakitkan kaki. We were there for more than 2 hours. Pastu baru sedar we haven't bought the return ticket to Hong Kong. Boleh?? Roh si Pintar bin Bingai kalau masuk badan memang gitulah aku.
Kelam kelibut cari jalan keluar from the hotel. Rupanya we were already at a different hotel. The Four Seasons Hotel. Picture above taken from the bridge connecting the hotel to the hotel of the opposite road. From here boleh cuci mata. That's The Venetian from outside. Another dream came true for Yours Truly. Fuh!
Initially we planned to visit those 2 hotels across the street but since we haven't bought our return to Hong Kong; we decided to forego the idea. Tiket balik adalah lebih penting. Masa dalam Four Seasons Hotel, ada signboard alarming that there was a typhoon level 3 coming. No wonder angin super strong, hujan non stop.
The bridge connected us to Sheraton Macao Hotel. Memang indeed hotel di Macau ni semua design luxuriously. One of the decoration at the hotel. Its a sprinkling water falling from the rock above; I assumed. When it reached the center, it will formed greeting in various language. My attempt to snap one "Welcome" obviously failed.
We boarded the FREE shuttle bus in front of the Holiday Inn hotel's lobby. Kalau rasa sesat, just ask around. The staffs would be more than happy to help u. Glad to see no discrimination di situ. Soon as the bus moved, it rained again. Memang nasib kami, either naik bas or sampai any buildings...hujan pun turun.
Crossing the Macau Bridge. This time dapat ambil gambar dari dalam bas although it rained. |
Traffic was smooth...we arrived in less than 20 minutes. Pastu kelam kelibut masuk ferry terminal. Crowded! Punyalah ramai orang queue untuk beli tiket balik ke Hong Kong. Semua gara2 warning typhoon tu.
Pastu si Err ada hati mau beli tiket jam 10p semata2 sebab murah...ekonomi class perlu. While Bunda strongly disapproved my idea for the 10p ferry. Cheapskate ndak bertempat kan.
"U never catch a ferry during turbulence. Let alone typhoon with level 3 warning somemore. Take the 8p ferry; even if it's first class & cost more. As long as we don't get caught in the middle of the sea; swagging."
She uttered those words while her eyes ferociously locked at me.
"U never catch a ferry during turbulence. Let alone typhoon with level 3 warning somemore. Take the 8p ferry; even if it's first class & cost more. As long as we don't get caught in the middle of the sea; swagging."
She uttered those words while her eyes ferociously locked at me.
Fine, dengar swagging ferry...harus setuju serta merta with Bunda. Last time aku naik feri was like 18 years back! Time tu memang mabuk lauk tahap kronik. Ever since that, aku phobia. Still demi untuk menjejak Macau, aku tolak tepi phobia aku. From Hong Kong journey adalah smooth; aku siap tidur.
Mahal pun mahal lah, first class pun first class lah. Bukan banyak beza, puluhan RM jak. Demi keselamatan. Sila jadi anak yang mendengar kata especially when it involves something u never experienced, Bie.
And thus I bought the 8p tickets. Since we have another few hours before departure; we thought why not use the time exploring the places nearby. Hajat untuk balik ke Cotai; mau masuk City of Dreams but takut pula if terlajak masa. Jadinya melawat yang dekat2 jak. Itu kita cerita di entri lain. Penat menaip! Choii!
wah suka juga tgk BOF tak perasan plak patung kat entrance Venetian tu tempat Jandi duduk...ada je ambil gambar di situ...hehehe ktorg pergi Venetian semata-mata nak naik gondola!hahaha sebab masa tu pikir nak sampai Venice entah bila...sekali few months later, dapat pergi masa tuh dah tak mampu nak naik sebab harga Euro80!Lega nasib dah naik di macau!hahaha
pergi untuk kerja je pun itali kejap2 je singgah sana sini bila ada masa mmg ada angan-angan nak travel sendiri kat europe satu hari nanti...hehe
Tau x first entry DJ yang saya baca...label Italy tu. Hihihi. Memang beruntung tau dah sampai Venice. Gondola xnaik pun xpa, view dah cukup. Saya memang xde nak bergondola bagai, kalau queue xramai bole join tapi xnaik pun xpe. Semata demi BOF je, tu yang sanggup menjejak. Biarpun fobia naik feri.
Best baca pengalaman orang travel ni...ala biarla kerja or kejap je pun, janji dah jejak kaki. Insha Allah, saya pun berangan nak travel solo Europe lagi tapi xtaulah bila. Asyiklah nak balik kampung je skg ni kan. Haha.
Saya suka naik gondola di macau. Sbb gondoliernya sgt baik. Siap tanya kami mau dia nyanyia lagu apa. Hihihi
Ntah bila la dpt naik kat venice.
Dah ala2 kat Venice kan Syieda. Walau xpena sampai, amik feel dlulah.
mcm padat betul kan ni tempat
yang typhoon tu time u pergi hk - macau ka or macau-hk? teruklah naik feri? melambung lambung?
Tu area banyak hotel u mean? In reality, banyak lagi tanah kosong tepi2 tu. Kawasan Cotai ni macam ekslusif, betul2 well planned dorang developed unlike sana area yang seberang jambatan. Sana padat.
Typhoon time dr Macau to HK. Ada hati lagi mo naik ferry malam. Haha lupa diri. Melambung2 Dana, muntah aku sepanjang jalan. Xdpt tidur langsung. Berganti2 aku muntah sama orang seat belakang kami, kesian dia lagi pregnant ah. Memang scary gila ah.
seeing ur pics really makes me wanna go to Macau!
but if choose either hk or macau, which one yg lg worth going?
Alang2 cuma 1 hour ferry ride je jarak dia, better gi both. And spend like 2days in Macau. Night view kat sana sangat lawa & happening. Sis regret x spend overnight kat sana.
scary jugak. susah ehh pergi area macau/hong kong, we just don't know bila dia mau typhoon.
Ada bah tu kena warning mid yearang musim hujan/typhoon. Tapi mau juga pigi. Try test knuns.
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