Assalamualaikum. 안녕!
Trip last few weeks tapi baru sekarang ada mood mau update. Yang ni memang cadangan tanpa diduga made by Yours Truly. Macam biasalah, kemaruk mau berjalan tapi cuti semester belum start therefore kenalah bertabah untuk terjah tempat yang berdekatan jak.
Bunda has no upcoming plan on Diwali so aku pun book beliau dengan pantas. Berjaya hasut beliau supaya jangan jaga kedai; tapi dengan syarat aku kena cari extra pekerja to replace her. Itu paling kacang, since cafe tutup for the public holiday so aku pinjamkanlah sorang pekerja. Problem solved!
Was supposed to leave Kota Kinabalu early in the morning but we have to attend a kenduri kahwin that very afternoon. We departed super late & ended up being caught in a heavy rain on our way up to Kundasang. Selamat tinggal angan2 untuk melihat view of Mount Kinabalu in the evening. |
Arrived Kinabalu National Park after two hours of driving. Kabus tebal on the way up tapi sampai jak entrance park tu, hujan berhenti. Yet again, selamat tinggal Mount Kinabalu. |
We stopped at the cafe (Panataran Cafeteria) right in front of the national park. Bunda & Aunty sudah bagi hint even before we reached the park. |
And I thought we just came back from kenduri kahwin; I asked. Both looked at me & said "Macamana kalau kami lapar?"
Fine, lets makan. Lucky Angah didn't joined us else memang aku tekanan gaban berjalan sama tiga beradik. Each with their own super unique characters! Baru dua orang pun boleh seteghes ok.
On our way to the Kiram's Village. Its the same route to Kundasang War Memorial. Just that the memorial can be seen from the main road...but the Kiram is located farther inside. |
There will be lots of signboards along the way therefore chances to get lost is near to zero. |
Jalan masuk |
Ala Alice In Wonderland feeling. As per Ms H; macam di alam fantasi ouh Err. Datang time fog tengah turun ke kaki gunung, memang superb lah view. |
A bit disappointed with the management though. That's their reception office but look at the windows. Macam terbiar, ndak kena maintain. The village is strategically located as the Mount Kinabalu can be clearly seen on a bright sunny day especially early in the morning...yet keadaan sekeliling macam langsung ndak dijaga. |
Even when the Open sign was up at the cafe, there was no one to layan or take ur order. Spiders decorated the ceilings with their webs. Meja kerusi semua ndak terjaga. We were there on the weekend & all the chalets are fully booked. Patut peluang macam ni lah untuk diorang ambil hati guests & show great hospitality. Supaya orang akan datang balik...and recommend sama orang lain. |
This used to be their laundry house located not far from the reception office. Now it's a cabin, available for rental. I like the design. Comel jak. Rumah kecil, tingkap seribu. Eh?
The reception area. It's ok untuk buat konsep sempoi but too sempoi & lack of well-kept somehow gave a not-so-positive vibe to the guests. Anyway, wifi is free here. And the connection wasn't bad too; considering my Celcom internet signal died the moment I went up to the village. |
Santai area near the office. |
Kiram's Village totally menang bab landscape! Kawasan sejuk memang cantik kalau tanam bunga banyak2 & warna warni. Subur jak. The view here never failed to captivate my heart. Gitu! |
These chalets are new. They weren't here when I last came in 2010. |
Our Onion Room (RM 110.00/night). Consists of a queen bed & single bed. The single bed is placed near the door. 2 steps up to the queen bed area...and the toilet. Again, poor maintenance. The toilet is so smelly I nearly puked each time I entered our room.
For more info about the rooms/cabins here, please check their website. |
Another new chalets built a bit further up from Kiram's. I asked the reception guy during my check-in & he told me it belongs to Mr Kiram's brother-in-law. There are already few cabins available for guests & few more are still under construction. |
Semua cabin/bilik di Kiram's Village membelakangi Gunung Kinabalu but these cabins are facing the mountain.
Masa kami di sana, all the cabins were already occupied. I only came to know about this place when we were there. Else, boleh aku book chalet ni. Cuba angin baru sebab sudah pernah stay di Kiram's juga dulu. Next time perhaps. |
I hope by the existence of this new cabins, it will motivate the management of Kiram's Village to improve their business. Saingan yang sihat, kan.
Ms H stayed here during her visit last week. Since Kiram's Village is fully booked, I recommended this to her. And she is uber happy with what she got. Beautiful view of the majestic gunung from her balcony; seawal Subuh diorang bergambar. Bangun awal untuk dapat view magic! |
Haraplah management
Kinabalu View Chalet ni maintain the good service. Jangan awal jak bilik wangi & cantik, sudah lama operate...semua ke laut.
p/s All things written here are mainly from my personal point of view.
setuju...landscape & design cabin dia sangat cantik, plus cuaca lak sejuk mau terlajak tido karang!
arghh..kalau bayar RM110 henggit tapi toilet bebau ..rasa cam tak berbaloi je kan..pastu tgk suasana dalam bilik cam suram je
Tulah, yang justify keadaan bilik nan suram tu is the landscape. Lawa giler macam kat dalam fairy tale. Bila la mentaliti orang kita nak berniaga jujur kan. Bru semangat nak cuti2 Msia. Eh, membebel plak.
Hahaha cuaca sejuk memang boleh telebih lajak tidurnya. Malam tu tidur memang berbungkus dahlah petang tu hujan kejap.
cafe dia ok ka kalau mo dtg minum2?
Kami datang petang, xda orang sana. Guests saja yang duduk2. Sayang bah, weekend fully booked tapi dorang xamik kesempatan. Malam buka tu cafe, quite sedap juga tapi 1 orang pekerja. Yang urus semua. Take order, masak, buat air, hantar order & received payment. Ngam ramai lagi datang dinner time tu. Hope dorang improve la. Cuba ko try nanti & kaso review. Hihi.
mcm mana jalannya? ok ka? dengar2 ada kawasan yg curam konon... klu yg baru 1-2 tahun dpt lesen kereta (kononnya pemandu yg terlebih berhemah la) ok ka tu? takut pulak bikin panik kalau ternampak jalan yg agak susah
Ok jak bah tu. Xdalah curam mana, memang macam menaik lah jalannya. Hahaha berhemah ah. Aku drive pi sana masa masih P. Jalan menaik nya macam ala2 parking di Wisma tu. Kena hati2 masa turun sebab bukit kan, terus ada selekoh. Insha Allah xda lah bahaya.
Tq to you.. i find out the kvc while surfing ur blog.. mmg view nya sgt cantik.. byk kali stay all around kundasang chalet tp kvc nya view mmg class..
Hi Eiffa! Glad my entry gave u some picture about KVC. Memang view kat sana sangat lawa. Ala fantasyland kan. Nextime nak try stay kat chalet depan tu pula.
Hai. Macam mana nak contact chalet baru yg berdekatan dgn kiram tu?
Hai Madihah. Gambar last tu ada contact number untuk Kinabalu View Chalet.
SL: Kirams Village di kaki gunung.
Aku dh booked cabin kat KV tu..but,bila baca tentang bukit curam tu risau..sbelum ni pergi kundasang naik kancil ok je..utk ke KV tu ada ke bukit yg memerlukan kereta yg lebih kuat dr kancil?
Nizam: Rasanya ok but a bit slow la kot masa nak naik bukit. Locals ramai je bawa kancil kat sana. Masa saya kat KVC aritu ada je guest sewa kancil drive ke sana. Should be ok kot aku rasa. Xpun sewa Viva.
found ur post while searching Kiram village. Just want to know which cabin that facing to the mount? then from others room means we need to walk out to take picture of mount ya?
CPK: As the last time I was there was last year, all the cabins were built with the mountain as background except for the cabin that was previously a laundry house. If u wish to rent for a cabin that is facing the mountain, try the Kinabalu View Chalet instead. The cabins were mostly built facing the mountain. U just need to be at the balcony to take picture of the handsome Akinabalu. Wake up early to get the best view of him.
Apa no contact kiram's village?
baru baru ni aku ngan family stayed 2night at alpine d bayu sbelah kv ja. ya Allah view mmg tiptop background smua bunga warnawarni. u know u limpas ja kat bunga2 tu terus semerbak d hidung wangi bunga tu. cuaca lg super sejuk. part climax nya bangun pagi jm5 lebih try p subuk gunung kinabalu Subhanallah punya la cantik lepas solat subuh p la subuk langit yg biru dihiasi dgn megahnya gunung tu. weh xcited mcm xmau balik suda. best mmg best.. service kat alpine d bayu pun best. mesra alam macam suasana kat sna juga. 10star!
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