A message came into the ex-highschool/hostelmate group in whatsapp last Tues. One B of the B-clans is getting hitched on Friday. That is tomorrow! Such sudden news of course akan mengejutkan all of us; especially yang selalu jauh di mata dekat di hati. And that refers to Yours Truly. Jauh beribu batu; naik tongkang haruslah berminggu baru sampai. Drama!
All this while duk tanya minah ni bila mau kahwin since in the group; dia jak yang sedang berchenta sakan. The rest are either married & single. Kiranya dia seorang jaklah yang single but unavailable. Borang untuk calon is no longer available gitu. Yet when she dropped the bomb, semua macam terkedu. Or was it aku jak yang terkedu sebab terus terbayang di kepala...since it was super short notice; probability untuk aku hadir & sama2 jadi saksi adalah more to zero percent!
Semester break hasn't started...adalah sangat kecut perut untuk minta cuti. Fuh. Kenapa perlu short notice I asked. She then replied it's ok if I can't make it because it will only be her solemnization & simple majlis makan after that. Reception will be held in January; yang tu aku kena datang regardless what. Aigoo sangat haru sebab masa reception tu aku masih bercutian di 'kampung halaman'. Dilemma!
Ndak palah, buang tepi dulu kes kecewa ndak dapat attend her big day. Lets walk down memory lane...*selak rambut* It's always a bittersweet thingy when it comes to the people u grow up with. Mau lagi bila it involved marriage...sangat mengundang airmata! We go way back to 1997 when she first came to our school. That's when the friendship began to blossom.
1999. One of the many night outings we had back in high school. Those were the rebellious days! |
2007. Filiz-Man wedding reception. My last year of uni years. Ouh betapa aku rindu zaman kekepingan aku! Sekarang serupa bangunan berbata2 sudah aku ni. |
2008. Ayu-Usof wedding reception. I flew all the from Kota Kinabalu to attend this wedding. Janji kepada peranten that I will be there on their big day; perlu ditunaikan. Masa ni baru few months start kerja di tanah tumpah darahku. One of the many weddings yang perlu aku berkorban RM in order to attend. For the sake of friendship, apa ada dengan RM kan? |
2010. Lisa-Mel wedding reception. I was reminded months before the wedding. Perlu sebab aku jak yang paling jauh antara semua. Kena naik flight ok untuk attend. I need to be informed way before the actual majlis sebab aku belum mampu ada private jet sendiri. Bila2 boleh fly ke Kolumpor to attend close friends' wedding. Last minute kalu, selamat tinggal air fare murah. Selamat tinggal juga impian untuk aku menghadirkan diri. |
2011. Dinner treat sempena kedatangan si Bibie ke Tanah Melayu. Gitu. This was one of the many dinner dates we had everytime I went down to Kolumpor. Walau aku singgah cuma sehari dua, bertemu kami adalah perlu. |
2012. Pijah's birthday dinner. Yang ni pun ambil kesempatan berjumpa. Aku transit few days di Kolumpor before my departure to London. It was working night yet still semua made effort for a small get together. |
Apparently, I am the last B from the B-clan to get married. Yang tu tolak tepi sebab masing2 ada priority in life. Yes? Anyway, selamat menempuh alam rumahtangga wahai sahabat! Semoga kekal hingga ke jannah! |
p/s Kalau ikutkan banyak giler gambar kira berdua, kan Bear. Tapi kalau aku nak scan & tampal kat sini memang sangatlah jenuh. And gambar dulu kala, kain aku banyak kureng that's why lah pun. I pray for our friendship will last till then end of time! Insha Allah, amin. Even kau dah kawin, sila jangan taknak jumpa aku everytime aku turun Kolumpor tau!
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