Sila jamu cuci mata with pics taken at my friend's wedding reception I attended just now. Sorry for the low quality outcomes ya. Terima seadanya hasil camera handphone.

cik Err & soon to be puan cik Heldah.

With the bride. *tension sendiri tengok gambar nan ado ini*
Below were taken from Grunge's compact camera. Thank goodness at least ada juga pictures with less noise & clear.
Nor & Mel; my coursemates & housemates/roomates back in UiTM.
Coursemates yang ex!
The ladies at the table.
With the newly weds. Congrats to dear Jury on the new title. Mrs sudah ooo.
I'm getting lazier to drag Blackie along to any events nowadays. Seriously Pinky has been resting for too long.
Ever since her charger went missing last year...she became an idle gadget & was kept in the drawer. Until recently, mother asked about my 26th birthday gift from her. Harus wei rasa bersalah menikam jantung. Rabak seii. And since I've become more lazy bum to carry Blackie, I planned to get the charger by next year. Insya Allah. Bakal terbang lagi duit gue. Investment investment...for a bright clear non-blur pictures in the future. Punya lah PANDAN.
wahahaha..slmt menabung la ye.
nnt buleh post gmbr ganaz lagi.
Byk benor nak ditabungkan. Ntah yg mna akan terlaksana dlu.
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