All of a sudden...last Mon, brother invited the Ismail's to come over to our little crib last night. I was kinda surprised when Bungsu & Aunty asked me what's the occasion. Mother asked Brother but he said nothing.
And yesterday during lunch, that sengal brother of mine texted & told me to buy soft drinks for dinner. Only then I concluded by myself that the dinner is due to something. Alahai adik, next time u wanna surprise mother or me please make it clear to the rest of the family to keep it in the vault. Lucky enough u managed to keep it low by giving that expressionless face of urs upon asked.
Brother made everything himself. From going to the mall, to buying groceries, to food preparation and presentation, to cleaning the kitchen. Harus kami terkejut beruk because the last time he cleaned the house was like years & years back.
Turned out, dinner was thrown over 2 obvious reasons. First, to celebrate his belated birthday. I think he wanted to change the tradition in which instead of being feted; he chose to do it the other way round. Second, farewell to him. He got through the exams & be stationed in Mabul Island. And will be leaving KK sometime next month. Hence it is said a surprise to mother. Or to be exact, surprise to the family because none of us knew he has been chosen. Maka bertapalah adik gue jadi orang pulau ndak lama lagi. Bertambahlah kandungan 'karbon' dalam sistem badan. Well at least, I'm no longer the holder of the KellyNg's award in the family.
Preparation. I is like the blue ala-tudung saji. Only because I were the 1 who bought it.
Food served.
Oh darn it...laper kembali!
Chombee & Girl
Si Nia @ Baby
Aunty & Uly @ Luly

Youngest brother - cousin brother; Ezad - Mother

Cousins. Macamlah penat betul...padahal the whole day lepak di rumah.
Since the dinner was held in such surprise...and more over in weekdays, only few came. And Blackie ran out of battery by the time Along & his family arrived. Only few pictures taken kerana gue letih amat. Perut kenyang...mata berat ngantuk mau transform jadi ular sawa.
Can't wait for the family to gather next month. Miss all of them. I am whole when I'm with them. Regardless the flaws & imperfections...because that's what make us family! Unbreakable bond.
woh..ada pengikut la pouty mouth ni. hahaha
Sedarah sedaging. Hahaha.
ur bro cooked all that?
By himself?
Iya si Ewan masak semua!
Kalah ko sm adik o klu mcm ni
ko x antar sikit p rumah..
Wakkakakakak he is always a better cooker than moi when it comes to western food. Kg2 harus dia hancus tu. Habis tu mlm jg so xda distribution p perut2 PPGs. LOL
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