It's the 12th day of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah for still being given the chance to savour the pleasure from this holy month. Praise be to Allah SWT.
Up to this moment, I am certain I haven't do anything worthy as yet. Still Allah; The Exalted has never leave me.
I've been showered with too many blessings I sometimes wonder what right have I done to be receiving such reward. Subhanallah. I prayed for zillion of ridiculous wishes but I often forgot to praise Allah for those uncountable gifts He has bestowed upon me from the moment I was born into this wonderful yet sinful world.
How I even dare to question why hasn't Allah granted my wish(es) when most of the time I disobey His commands? Could someone slap me right now please? I pretended as if I didn't know. I acted as if no one ever taught or told me. Sleazy, yes?
“dan hendaklah kamu meminta ampun kepada Tuhanmu dan bertaubat kepada-Nya. (Jika kamu mengerjakan yang demikian), niscaya Dia akan memberi kenikmatan yang baik (terus menerus) kepadamu sampai kepada waktu yang telah ditentukan dan Dia akan memberikan kepada tiap-tiap orang yang mempunyai keutamaan (balasan) keutamaannya. Jika kamu berpaling, maka sesungguhnya aku takut kamu akan ditimpa siksa hari kiamat.”
(Huud ayat 3)
“kecuali orang-orang yang sabar (terhadap bencana), dan mengerjakan amal-amal soleh; mereka itu beroleh ampunan dan pahala yang besar.
(Huud ayat 11)
All I really hope right now is for me to be extra careful with words I utter & things I do. Also my actions as well as my behaviour. I may have said this thousand of times before...and I know nothing haven't change much. But I put high hope for my du'a to be granted. I will hold this faith until my last breathe. Insya Allah.
Moga Allah tetapkan hatiku hanya pada Dia. Walau amalan aku banyak rumpang & lubang sana sini. Itu aku akan cuba fix secepat yang mungkin. I am utterly grateful for being born as a Moslim. Alhamdulillah, Syukran Ya Rabb.
p/s Tidak mahu hanya Islam pada nama & appearance...