I was bestowed the chance to set foot upon the number 29. What could be more blissful than that? And to darling friends of mine; who planned the 'unsuccessful' surprise dinner...from the very bottom of my heart, I thank you guys! Makaseh dong sanggup curi masa to celebrate. Also to friends who text-ed, call-ed & posted wishes on my mukabuku wall. Thank you for making my day extra cheery!

Had dinner at Nasi Padang Ibu, Jesselton Point.

Mel was assigned to bring the cake but alas...their plan went kaboom because brilliant Miss Err decided to fetch Mel & car-pooling to JPoint. Boo hoo me. No?

Part of my backbones on my day. Perfect companions, perfect ambiance = perfecto moment!

That was Jess' hand trying to stonewall the wind.
After dinner, off the ladies crashed Amp Square at Suria Sabah.
My PowerPuff Ladies. The senior members since 2000.

It's been way too long since I last sang my heart out loud! I indeed had a blast that night. And I would never trade those moments for anything in this world.
I reached home nearly 3am. Something I haven't done for quite a while, too. And I lose my voice the day after. Hasil teriakan padu excited nyanyi lagu Mengapa...did we really sing or we're literally just yelling & shouting to the utmost, ladies? Juga hasil excited geletis geli2 ketiak bila si Ariel suddenly appeared on the screen. Hilang akal, mati jiwa kejap di situ.
Anyway, someone's hen's nite is approaching real soon. Before her big day, a bridal shower shall be thrown. It's a tradition Laura mastermind-ed & exhorted by the council members. We first showered Unang in 2009.
Taken during Unang's bridal shower somewhere in Warisan Sq. Unang was the one without the mask.
Oh damn. How time flies! I miss moments like that so very much! Never mind though because shower or no shower, there's always time for catching up regardless how cruel life could be upon us most of the times.
We will always be the best of friends. Till the end of time. Amin.
p/s To Laura & Mel, kombawa for the night. Though I know Laura is quite bad when it comes to dates! Still, that doesn't stop u ladies from planning. A plan that I accidentally crushed. Oppsie!