Alhamdulillah, momentum untuk kembali blogging ni nampak gaya macam makin ok. Insha Allah, semoga berterusanlah hendaknya.
So sebelum membebel lagi panjang, let's continue with where I last left (here). 2nd night in Melbourne went by beautifully. We were already in dreamland by midnight. No late night snacking nor pep talk. Everyone so exhausted as if baru jak lepas seharian angkat bumi Melbourne. Sobs betul tanda² matang ni.
28 July 2015
Melbourne City
We had breakfast at the hotel before we checked out. Super fulfilling breakfast I must say; as if perut bagi petanda awal. Makanlah sepuas hati, kejap lagi drama sengal takes empty stomach won't do good in order to deal with it. Fuh!
Today we'll be going to Phillip Island; somewhere 150km away from Melbourne city. We decided to drive hence we rented a car from Apex Car Rental. Will talk about ACR in the next entry insha Allah. The reason why we woke up early is because we need to pick up the car at their office which is situated merely 21km from our hotel. Taxi wasn't an option obviously (budget traveler katanye) so the only option left is the bus / train.
#1 Elizabeth Street / Flinders Street view early in the morning |
#2 Always wanted to have picture of this...du'a answered eventually. Alhamdulillah |
#3 Waiting for our train at Flinders Street Station. Our first metro train ride in Melbourne gitu |
According to my initial plan, in order to save cost this is the route we gonna take to pick up our rental car
Flinders Street Station -----> Broadmeadows Station (by metro train)
Broadmeadows Station ----> Tullamarine Airport (by bus)
Once at Tullamarine Airport, we need to call ARC. They will pick us up there & bring us to their office because unlike others car rental companies; they do not have outlets at the airport. Reason why their rental is cheaper; and why I chose this company. And this whole rental car pick up journey would take less than 3 hours to settle.
*thanking KakiBerangan for his recommendation ---> tips from him here*
#4 My thing; signboard |
In order to reach Broadmeadows Station, we'll have to alight at Essendon Station. Later change to Platform 2 & take the train to Broadmeadows Station.
#5 Posing sakan in the train. And posing segala sudut dalam train |
And apa hadiah lupa diri berposing sakan? Maka kejadian Sengal 1.0 pun terjadi. Instead of alighting at Broadmeadows, kami terlajak until the last station (Craigieburn Station). Oh yeah, boleh kan confident ndak tengok map as if kau hafal route train. This isn't Seoul Bie! Sedang di kampong pun kau pernah terlajak station. B to the Ngai.
![]() |
#6 Bukti perangai sengal. Sudah terlajak train, sempat posing lagi. |
So bila terlajak train, journey yang patut sejam cuma...telah menjadi 1.5 hours. That means, we're behind time. Tapi semua masih stay cool, hari masih awal. Kata kau.
#7 Tabah berjalan pi platform seberang |
#8 And finally we made it to Broadmeadows Station. Alive & kicking |
According to instruction from KB's blog, we have to take the bus from here to Tullamarine Airport. The journey will take approximately 20 minutes. And we should board the Route 901 (Melbourne Airport) bus.
#9 We crossed the pedestrian bridge to reach the bus stop opposite the train station |
And ran hurriedly soon as we saw bus coming to us. WITHOUT bothering to look at the signboard in front of the bus.
#10 Please look at the signboard. What did it says? Obviously it doesn't say Tullamarine, right?? |
Si Err sempat ambil gambar bas, in case jadi anything. BUT what she forgot to do was to look & READ the signboard!! We boarded the bus anyway, dengan penuh happy & riang ria cause we didn't missed the bus. Ugh!
Kali ni, instead of posing in the bus...we were busy with our handphones. Duduk berasingan, hence semua layan update sosmed. As if kejadian terlajak train earlier tiada kesan sama jiwa kan?
For nearly an hour (or was it more than an hour), 3 Jemahs sengals are still busy with their handphones. Suddenly si Err jenguk ke luar jendela bus & questioned herself why does the surrounding looks like housing area, and too many trees. Pastu baru ada courtesy tengok jam oii!
And reality kicked in. Sengal 2.0 confirmed. I signaled the other 2 Jemahs telling them we boarded the wrong bus. I went to the driver & asked him where the bus is heading. Eh baru mau tanya driver? Kenapa ndak kau tanya the following week jak Bie. Lepas memang 100% sure yang kami salah bas, we rang the bell. The driver told us to wait for the bus bound for Tullamarine Airport at the opposite bus stop.
Dalam gelabah itik, we hop off the bus. In order to stay calm, instead of worrying about the time...we took pictures of the neighborhood. Pose, pose, pose. Ketawa sama kesengalan masing². Suddenly Ms H looked at me & said
"Bie, mana bag² kau pegang dalam bas tadi? Kau ndak bawa turun?"
And Sengal 3.0 detected. I accidentally left 2 paper bags in the bus. 1 containing our bekalan makanan we prepared earlier that morning. Also the sambals Ms H's MIL cooked for us. And the other bag hold our charging plugs, universal adapters & charger for our rented wifi modem. Macho kan bingai si Err? *clap clap*
We looked at each other with poker faces. Belum digest habis lagi apa sebenarnya jadi. Gitu alasan. Kalau mau kejar bas tadi memang confirm lah kami akan berdrama seharian. That bus will reach its final destination in 2 hours! Therefore we decided to figure things out once we reach the airport. Although we've wasted half day getting the wrong train stops & bus, semua masih tenang. Ndak lari office Apex tu kunun. Sangat² grateful I was there with them who know how to calm myself down. Else??
Once at the airport, after everyone had alighted the bus...we asked the driver how can we get our things back. He told us to email the company. And so I did (tapi sampai sekarang memang ndak balik pun barang tu semua).
Yadda yadda yadda...I entered the airport via T3 door with Ms H while Ms G waited us at the bus stop (sambil jaga our bags juga). Called Apex company using the free phone provided by the airport. Buat penat cari coins jak rupanya FOC. Choi!
Yadda yadda yadda...I entered the airport via T3 door with Ms H while Ms G waited us at the bus stop (sambil jaga our bags juga). Called Apex company using the free phone provided by the airport. Buat penat cari coins jak rupanya FOC. Choi!
#11 From where we sat while waiting for Apex representative to kutip us |
Macam biasa, despite all the dramas...bergambar tetap on. Itu dilupa jangan. Kenangan penting.
#12 Presenting the most calm amongst the calmest; my beloved Jemahs. Beribu² lemon thanks for everything |
While waiting for our ride, sempat lah kasi ketawa diri masing². Recalling all the sengals happened since early that morning. Tu pasal masa mula² buka cerita Melbourne, I told u I remember vividly every moments of this trip. Memories I won't trade with anything in this world.
We arrived Apex office eventually. Proses ambil kereta sangat easy peasy. That I will share in next entry.
Departed for Phillip Island at noon. Journey kutip kereta yang supposedly settle in 3 hours, berakhir for half a day.
We plan, Allah plans and indeed Allah's plan is the best. Alhamdulillah. Regardless all the dramas, we got our rental car....and berjaya drive keluar Melbourne city without getting lost anymore. Sungguh² ikut arahan GPS. Ndak mau durhaka lagi. Ndak mau leka bergambar lagi except yang dua Jemahs tu. Sangat sibuk click sana, click sini. Kau driver Bie, memang harus ndak boleh leka. Cis!
#13 Si Err driver for the first leg of the road trip |
Boleh pula diorang suruh aku drive, kan. Walhal aku maknae among us three! Aku paling last dapat driving license tau. Akur lah arahan ahkak². They had put up with my nonsense since morning. Guide yang gagal. Ngeh.
Jemahs first road trip albeit incomplete members. Yang dua Jemahs lagi tu sila join next road trip. Insha Allah.
#14 Enroute to Phillip Island |
First time driving di luar bumi Malaysia. I was a bit nervous at first whats more when Ms G kept reminding me about the speed limit. Saman adalah something we need to avoid. Bayar in AUD ok, not in RM. Worst, kena banned from driving di Australia.
Need to stop here. Too long an entry this has become. Banyak pula benda aku mau share. Over sudah.
Till then, wassalam.
pengalaman pahit manis masa travel akan dikenang sepjg hayat..
Nohas: Betul. Once dah habis trip, xde istilah pahit sebenarnya kan. Semua boleh jadi pengajaran, sempadan & teladan. And bahan mengutuk sepanjang zaman juga hahaha.
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