Assalamualaikum. 안녕.
Continuation from
I purposely separate this entry from the previous one. Just because...I feel like separating it. Gila saiko walhal baru intro. Anyways, ni memang antara missions I've list down prior coming to Seoul. I saw few hanok cafe recommendations in the KTO website. And I chose LN Cafe because among the cafes listed, LN is the only cafe I found in
LN is an abbreviation of "luden loquen"; portmanteau of humo lodens (playing man) & homo loquens (talking man). The cafe still keep its daecheong maru (wooden floors) & giwa (traditional roof tiles) in which create a traditional ambiance.
21 October 2015
Samcheong-dong, Seoul
This building was originally an office space but it was renovated into a cafe & reopened in Sept, 2010. Meaning this cafe has been operating for 4 years. |
The most popular space in the cafe is the courtyard resembles a box shape character of the Hangul "ㅁ" (M). |
Pine trees, chairs & tables outside. Perfect inviting ambiance for visitors. |
I picked my seat inside the cafe, to layan feeling admiring the cafe's minimalist interior design. |
There is nothing extraordinary with the way they designed the cafe but I like it there. Perhaps, the water wall somehow create a nice simple back drop for the cafe. The sound of the flowing water give such a serene feeling. While sipping my drink, I took my own sweet time to embraced my me-moment.
This is a section located near where I seated. Those shelves displayed tshirts, stationaries, books & items unique to Luden Loquen. And these items can be purchase. |
I didn't notice the table I chose to sit. Turned out it's an old sewing machine that is transformed into a table. How creative. The treadle is still working when I tried to rock it back & forth. |
My earl grey tea. No coffee for me now. Yay! I quit consuming them for a couple of months already. Alhamdulillah, I've bid migraine & headache a good farewell since then. |
My first meal in Seoul. The glutionous rice cake waffle. I was pretty skeptical when this arrived at my table. "Would this be enough? I haven't eat anything since last night. Only the banana milk I bought at the airport." Worries put aside because after few bites...I was already full. |
This is a unique menu found only at LN Cafe. It's not like the waffle I normally bought back home. This rice cake waffle is albeit tasteless & a bit chewy yet the honey, matcha powder, ice cream, blackberry jam, sweet pickled-persimmon balance the blandness of the waffle.
My brunch cost RM 16.50. I always do this everytime I had my meal abroad. Kena saiko fikiran sikit, kalau sibuk convert semua...memang ndak berjalan lah aku. |
Direction to LN Hanok Cafe. |
waffle tu nmpk sgt menyiurkannnn bie! konsep cafe pun nmpk mcm traditional skit.
Rm 16.50...Org kaya hOkem..ndak ade gambr nescafe..sudah insaf ko bah..!!
Bukan sebarang waffle John, dia ala onde2 sikit. Liat tapi mengenyangkan. Memang cafe tu hanok pun, area Bukchon sana.
Well!!! Macam minum kat Setabak je kot harga tu kan. Nescafe dah selamat tinggal sekarang ni. Memang xnak consume dah.
cantik -cantik gambar..
ok aku pun nak cari hanok cafe lahhh nanti...hehehe
Xdapat nak stay kat hanok, gi cafe pun jadilah kan. Nanti aku nak try hanok cafe lain pula.
First time drop by best je blog ni.Cantiknya design cafe tu dan blog ni ada pic TOP la..hihi.i follow..
Hihi thanks for dropping by. Link via JM kan. Cafe tu bagi traditional feeling tu yang best. Hihi Top is my first love. Jatuh chenta pas nampak dia dalam Iris.
Tengokla movie commitment dia gak.hihi.salam kenal
Tu pun dah tengok haruslah xkan lepaskan peluang. Hensem giler suara jantan habis. Sobs. Hihi salam kenal juga.
Bie, map direction tu, ko jalan kaki or by public transport?
Tu semua superwalkertapaki hahaha. Aku naik train & turun di Anguk Station.
Bie...sorang je mengeteh...tak nampak orang lain pun..samalah kita kalau minum nescafe kepala sakit berdenyut tapi kalau coffee semua on je :-)
ahahaha..JM hairan pada mula nya kenapa RM16.50 je mmg lah murah tapi bila tgk amount 10,000 won tu dah almost RM30 ..oohh tak nak convert katanya....mmg kalau convert mmg tak merasa lah makanan dorang..
Jauh jugak Bie jalan nk ke LN Cafe tu tapi yg pasti berjln dalam cuaca sejuk mmg x terasa jauhnye..hurmm..x sabar nk pegi next trip tapi lambat lagi huhhu
eloklah CIKU tu pun minat Koya dan Kpop..CIKU is salah sorang my Chingu hiksss
Memang dah agak kawan JM. Hihi sebab nama Ciku tu familiar. Dah jumpa geng kpop kdrama ni best best.
Hihi memang sorang pun, kan jalan pun solo je haritu. 3rd day baru jumpa korang so ada kawan ngeteh bagai. Coffee or nescafe sekarang semua dah goodbye. Minum teh je kaedah sekarang hahaha.
Kan murah kan rm16.50. Ha kena lah saiko minda kalau nak minum ala2 Korean gak. Kalau duk convert memang jawabnye ngeteh kat hostel jelah. Free.
Xjauh sangat lah, dalam 5mins camtu dah sampai. Serius! Sebab Bb jalan laju. Tapi masa ni memang kerah tenaga juga, kaki sakit sebab sejuk sangat. Wah dah teruja nextrip eh. Sakura mu tunggu pula kan nanti.
BB rajin ke korea....mesti gila korea....alangkah baiknya dilahirkan di korea gitu..
Hahaha suka Korea tapi tetap chenta Malaysia. Xdapat bayangkan kalau lahir kat sana.
unik tempat nie..pic semua cntik2 pakai kamera apa nie... suka tgk gambar2 dlm blog nie...
owhhh :) bagus jga once in a while superwalkertapaki ni sbb klu di KK ni manja btul, dr CP pi wisma merdeka pun mau drive jga, hihihi...
Nanti nak gi cafe macam ni lagi kalau jejak Seoul. Feeling dia lain macam. Hihi poyo giler. Cantik eh gambar, thanks. Guna camera Samsung biasa je.
Sebenarnya jalan kaki dari hostel which is located near the Anguk Station. Kenapa kunun komen naik train & turun di Anguk hahaha bingai. Adeiii CP Wisma ko cakap, Wisma Suria pun aku malas ok. Nasib berkari jalan dari Wisma pi Gaya St hahaha.
unik giler decoration cafe ni, not bad lah 16,500 won. ko cakap makan 2,3 bites dah kenyang? ni yang wat aku rasa nak try nih, nampak macam sedap giler...
Standard harga kat sana lah kan. Rasa dia memang tasteless tapi yang segala mak neka datang ngan waffle dia yang bagi umph. Memang bukan waffle biasa tu Orga sebab dia rice cake. Jenuh gak aku nak motong & kunyah. In the end, koyak guna jari jemari hahaha selamat tinggal garfu & pisau.
Kemain rm16.50. Ok paham jgn convert hihihi
Eida: Hahaha itulah trick bila nak makan sedap kat obersi katanye.
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