I've been eyeing & searching for the lowest ticket fare to South Korea for the past few months. My main mission is to enjoyed autumn; by myself. That's the plan; or should I say...that would be the poyo theme of my holiday. Kononnya!!
I informed the boss that I'll be taking a week leave in the mid of October. Perfect timing for peak foliage; so I told myself then.
Unfortunately, that 'themed holiday' plan went down to the drain when I saw no decrease on the flight fare. I subscribed from certain websites for the latest price alert. Every time dapat email, mesti the price offered weren't within my budget. I gave up & cancelled my cuti a week ago.
Then yesterday, ntah angin mana rasuk diri. I opened Air Asia website. And to my utmost surprise, the price has dropped. Like, drop gila gila gila! Half the fare I've been seeing all this while.
Without hesitation...I clicked, clicked, clicked. I was about to make the payment when suddenly...
"Confirm kah dapat cuti ni?"
"Ok buy first, think later. Or buy first, then minta cuti later."
But such words failed to 'cleared' my uncertainty.
So patiently I waited for the boss to arrive. Only to be 'smacked'.
"Sudah cakap ndak jadi cuti kan. Ada few pekerja pun minta cuti, sudah kasi approved dorang."
"Boleh lah cuti, 23 Oct to 25 Oct."
How am I supposed to balik kampung in just 3 days? Does RM 740.00 (plus RM 200.00 for KK-KL tickets) worth the cuti u gave? Nangis darah, guling atas rumput.
Maka si Err pun pasrah. And after a few moments of muhasabah diri, I am now in the "redha phase". Tu pun lepas the sensible friends lontar advices. Calm down. Mesti ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni. Mesti!
Allah has BETTER plan(s) for me!
Kalau lah aku proceed jak beli ticket tadi without having a second thought...memang hancur jiwa; berderai airmata tengok ticket burned.
Untuk rawat hati lara because I am in the midst of accepting the reality (partly refused to accept it, to be true), I decided to re-watch the Kdrama I recently put in my fav-list. Layan tengok muka si L or as per my Merengmate...anak hikan. Rain adalah handsome tiba2 dalam ni.
My Lovable Girl |
To Azra! Enjoyed ur autumn foliage at Naejangsan! Sesungguhnya jealous habis meter! Semoga berjumpa si Daun Merah-Jingga. Take loads of pictures & harus share kat blog please. Have fun!