Assalamualaikum. Konnichiwa.
Wah baru Day 4. Memang al-selow gila. Jarang dapat enough free time to scribble. Plus aku sudah telan pil M sedozen. Tambah lagi macam malas pilih gambar. Motif sangat kan entry kena bergambar. Sob.
So as the title says. We paid Tokyo Disneyland a visit on our last day in Tokyo. A whole day visit it was. My initial plan for the last day was to visit Kawaguchiko. Prior asking the other members' place they wish(es) to go, I drafted the itinerary that includes overnight at Kawaguchiko. I even booked 2 rooms at Kawaguchiko Station Inn; merely a minute walking from the train station.
Though I didn't put too much hope to see Fuji-san, but staying near the lake where the best views of the mountain can be enjoyed definitely something I wouldn't want to missed. I read somewhere that the lake is also breathtakingly beautiful during the cherry blossom season. Apart from the chasing sakura mission, I was so looking forward for the Kawaguchiko visit to be honest.
Alas, I had to cancelled the plan. Third-fifth of the ahli rombongan wanted to go to Disneyland.
"Ok, kita split last day tu. Korang gi Disneyland, aku & Ms G gi Kawaguchiko. Aku just cancelled jelah accom kat sana. Balik hari. Doable gak."
"Alaaa taknak lah Bie. Kitorang bukan tau selok belok Tokyo. Kang sesat takjumpa jalan pulang? Erm, cancel lah Disneyland. Kita gi tengok Fuji."
Immediately aku rasa diri adalah super kejam. Simply because I know exactly how the three wanted so badly to go to Disneyland. It's like a must-go place for them. Jadinya, mari cancel Kawaguchiko walau hati adalah super berat & berdarah. Pasrah. Then masa berbalas email with Azra, she told me she's going there. Maka besarlah hati aku upon knowing her plan. Bukan sebab mau join dia tapi untuk sedapkan hati.
"Nevermind lah, for now...I will cuci mata only. I've seen Kawaguchiko in winter from Deqna's. Autumn from Chawanna's. And spring, akan bertandang at Azra's."
Gitu cara untuk tenangkan hati. We bought the tickets for Disneyland few days before (here). To avoid the long queue at the ticket booth in Disneyland, I advice u to purchase the ticket at any Disney store in Japan. We got ours at Aqua City Odaiba.
Jadi kenapa intro berperenggan panjang? Thought u have swallowed the M pills. Baiklah oleh sebab gambar adalah super berlambak in this entry, I decided to lessen the bebelan in the caption(s). Tengok gambar jaklah kan. Disneyland jak pun after all, apa sangat ulasan mau dibuat kan.
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Left the hostel quite early. Limpas Sensoji Temple yang masih sunyi dari orang. Even Nakamise-dori pun belum buka. Kami ikut laluan belakang kedai. Saja ambil feel. |
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Sempat snap sakura pink. |
Our route from Asakusa to Tokyo Disneyland.
Asakusa (via Tokyo Metro Ginza Line) ---> Ueno Station (via JR Yamanote Line Outer Loop) ---> Tokyo Station (via JR Keiyo Line)---> Maihama Station ----> walk to Disneyland!
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Eh selalu tengok entrance ni di blog orang. Sampai juga aku akhirnya. Walau mula tu ndak da plan untuk masuk sini, but since sudah sampai...sila manfaat masa sebaiknya. Tiket bukan murah setakat untuk been-there-done-that Bie! |
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Antara yang paling happy dapat realisasi impian masuk Tokyo Disneyland. Yet the most devastated when she found out all the extreme rides are actually in Osaka Universal Studio. I gave them option between TD & USJ. And they chose the first. Blame me not ladies. |
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Sempena Easter Day katanya. |
Lepas scanned ticket, I was approached by one of the staff to do some survey about the theme park. Aku pun melayan jak lah bukan kena suruh bayar/beli anything pun. Didn't expect I was then given a Disney postcard as a token. Aku senyum lebar since I have extra stamps in the bag; jadi bolehlah nanti kirim postcard untuk diri sendiri dari Disneyland. Yeah!
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Lucky the weather was super bright. Clear blue skies. But do not for once think that the sun emitted heat. It was cold, still. And we were only grateful it didn't rain. |
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Queuing for the Star Tours. Nampak panjang, tapi ndak lama pun kami queued. Unlike what I experienced back in USS. Dekat 2 jam ah queued untuk naik Star Wars ship tu jak. |

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Naik ship in for less than 10 minutes. Experience so-so. Personally, I enjoyed the USS' Star Wars tour more. |
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Japan is a VERY family-oriented country. Everywhere I went, ndak missed nampak diorang spend time with family. Unlike di 'kampung', yang penuhi scene semasa adalah orang bercouple. Sana sini, pasangan perchentaan. |
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Respect toing2. Even strollers were in queue. Ni lah kalau citizen memang dilatih berdisiplin. Unlike here in KK. Baru mau beratur naik bas pun, semua jadi kepala hangin ah. Ndak faham aku. |

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Why must so kawaii lei? No, di sana orang yang buat fesyen rambut gini ndak dipanggil buang tabiat ka apa. Even yang buat style tu sudah tua bangka. |

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I didn't captured the ship right. Else, boleh nampak Daisy Duck's red lips. Muncung ndak hengat. Marah kali orang invade her ship. |
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When I was a kid, I didn't really watched cartoon. Not saying I didn't watched at all though. Chips & Dale is one of the tv programme I loved. Apart from Jem (yang boleh tukar identiti diri tu) & Care Bears. Aku banyak layan cerita macam Miss Komet gitu. |
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The MOST GEDIK character we met that day. Siap lentikkan bontot ok! |
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Forgot whose house is this. We didn't bother to enter as the queue was quite long. Little did we know queuing to meet Mickey would take twice times longer. Aigoo. |
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Lucky banyak benda boleh entertained kami while queueing at Mickey's house. Ndka pernah lah terlintas dalam kepala aku untuk terjah rumah Mickey ni ah. But yeah, I watched Mickey Mouse back then. Cuma ndak lah masuk dalam senarai paling-terminati. |

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We joined the other visitors; duduk sambil tunggu parade mula. |
Gila teratur! Ndak da aku tengok orang berebut or bertolak. They even seated in row although ndak da garis panduan atas ground tu. An hour before the parade starts, staffs pun busy explained sama kami pasal rules & showed us the spot to sit, spot to stand etc. Aku interpret gitulah sebab they spoke in Japanese; haruslah sepatah hampas aku ndak faham.
What I respected the most was masa tengah duduk lepak tu; ada macam space kosong depan kami. Staff tu tanya punyalah lemah gemalai...if it's ok for us to have the standing crowd behind us. And slowly dia suggest kami untuk move a little forward. Crowd yang berdiri belakang kami pun, ndak dah tolak menolak. No such things happened.
Kami duduk & enjoyed the parade tanpa ada setitik rasa annoyed or irritated. Siap menikmati lunch! Bawa bekal ok. Nasi himpit berlaukkan daging dendeng + serunding pucuk paku. Super sedap! Motif untuk hurai menu lunch?

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Few of the characters we met that day. Only yang famous amos jak ndak keluar (Mickey is one of them). Stay dalam rumah, tunggu fans datang lawat. Queued like we did, berjam2. |

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Dari jauh, dalam kesejukan angin menampar...I saw them pink tulips. At first, I seriously thought they were just plastics. Accessory. But once I got to touch them...hati terus cawir. Ouh, I am literally in love with the gardens in Disneyland! Over kan drama. |
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Aku siap bertiarap tepi those bunch of tulips. Ada few pictures aku |

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Ahli rombongan. Selca dengan half of the castle. Why not full? Gagal! |
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Dawn. Castle sudah liplap penuh warnawarni lampu. Super mewah. If only boleh stay semalam dalam castle. Budget jak lah kau banyak duit Bie. |
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I roamed around while waiting for the final parade to start. Masa ni memang temperature dropped gila. Single digit ok. The rest ndak larat berjalan so they decided to sit. Lepak with other visitors yang menunggu juga. |
And sudah puas meronda, I joined them.
"Bie, kau nak jalan gi mana pun takpe. Kitorang takkisah. Tapi modem wifi sila tinggal ngan kitorang. Takheran kau takde, kitorang heran bila duduk lepak takbuat apa. Nak online pun takdapat."
Tetttt!! Aku lupa modem was with me. Sudahlah lama juga aku meronda masa tu.
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Dalam sejuk gigil, bila ingat balik...tabahnya hati untuk tunggu parade ni. Lagi sakit hati ingatakan ada firework, nan hado. Tapi ndak apa lah, parade pun sudah cukup best. Ndak pernah plan pun untuk witness all these things. |
And aku sempat tulis postcard untuk diri sendiri di sini. Handwriting pun seriously macam kena panah petir sebab tangan gigil tahap tiada ampun. Sejuk wei! Syahdu bila baca balik apa aku tulis. Love-hate relationship between si Bibie & Err.
Back from Disneyland. Kami turun di Asakusa Station. On the way naik escalator, aku nampak the famous Asahi Beer landmark a.k.a Dungot (Taik Hidung) Emas. Background adalah Sky Tree. Ntah kenapa hati adalah muram untuk tarik keluarkan kamera & snap picture with the dungot. So berjalan lah kami melintas jalan untuk balik hostel. Then suddenly...
"Wei kedai kebab!!!"
Huhu rupanya kelaparan. Nasi himpit 3 biji plus sandwich tuna yang aku baham di Disneyland sudah habis tukar jadi energy. I did read somewhere memang ada kebab shop di area Asakusa ni. But according to that blog, kedai tu a bit complicated & susah untuk locate. Hence I didn't bother to search for the shop then. Sekalinya, terbuntang depan mata. Al-senang sekali lokasi dia! Depan jalan. Only few metres from the Kaminarimon Gate (Sensoji Temple).
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Happy tummies! |
Tapi Abang Kebab cakap only ayam jak dia yakin halal. As for the beef, he is a bit unsure. So he suggested us to buy only the chicken kebab. Kalau yang menjual pun ragu, apatah lagi kami yang beli kan. Chicken pun chicken lah abang, janji portion besar. Harga pun berbaloi 500Yen. I opted for the medium size.
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Memang aku ndak da simpan note pasal Saray Kebab ni. Jumpa pun coincident gila kan. But I decided to share the direction here. Mana tau ada orang tengah survey halal kedai di Asakusa. Thanks Mia for ur entry. |
We took Exit 4 of Asakusa Station (Tokyo Ginza Line). It is not far from the exit actually. And Saray Kebab can be easily seen from the road. It is located opposite the Burger King; the first shop we saw upon exiting the station. Else u can take Exit 2 & make a u-turn to reach the kebab shop.
End of Day 4. Wihuuu! Selamat destinasi cumalah Disneyland kan. Boleh wrapped up aktiviti sepanjang hari in just one entry.
The next day...aku bangun super awal. Ada misi perlu dilaksanakan. And haritu juga kami bergerak keluar Tokyo. Goodbye Tokyo till we meet again gitu.
Bila ke Disneyland, automatik jadi kanak-kanak riang kan Bie... Tempat ni tetap cantik macam dulu...
Betul. Tetiba lah ringan hati je nak beli headband tu. Pastu excited nampak karakter kartun walhal bukan jenis layan kartun pun. Melodrama betul perangai, kan Mie kan. Hahaha.
Omaii super lawo entrance disney tuh! Tu apa? Ladybird kew? #eh?#
Eh beg kat kena check ke sampai boleh bawak bekal????Napa ko tak post pose suwiittt kat disney tu??? Lucky la aku dah nengok pix tu so boleh lah tiru pose yg sama nanti eh?
Counting days teheee..tak sabor nak mai sini
Hari tu Jm x ke sini coz pilih USJ Japan tp bila masuk better masuk USS Lgi best. Rugi pulak rasanya x dtg sini tp tulah bila 2 jejaka yg ikut mereka x nk ke sini huhuhu. Jm ada cter x best di USJ japan tu nanti Jm kongsi. Kesian bie terpaksa korban hasrat kerana nk penuhi dream kengkawan yek tp x per ada reason tuk repeat nanti :-)
Sungguh ayu headband..... Teruja tgk kegembiraan... Sungguh ria gembira anda..., mana best lagi disney hong kong atau tokyo?
amboiiiii bibie! siap dgn headband lagi tu. takpe, bila lagi kan nak pakai. kat disneyland je feeling kanak-kanak nih! haihhh kene pegi jugaklah. nk pakai yg mickey mouse! hahah
Ala Ladybird lah kot tapi memang smart ah. Ko theme park nye orang sure teruja dalam ni.
Ada cek tapi takat dia buka bag lepas tu macam xtengok sangat, terus dia suruh jalan. Aku ada dengar gak diorang kata xleh bawa masuk makanan tapi ramai je rakyat diorang berpiknik kat sana. Siap ada bento.
Ngeks pose mahal tu ko kena tiru ok. Mesti. Tempat yang sama baru best. Belakang castle tau.
Wah Ayu dah nak gi kan. Enjoyed!
Rasanye gi USJ lagi best kot. Haritu singgah HRS kat sana, tengok dari luar pun dah rasa best, siap ngan bunyi roller coaster bagai. Bibie bagi option kat bebudak ni, diorang pilih Disneyland. Ikut jerlah.
La ada citer xbest ke. Ok nanti share kat blog ye. Reason tu repeat tu perlu ada. Hihi barulah semangkit sikit nak buat saving. Ngek.
Ayu kelayuan dah tu Abang MKL. Erm xpenah gi Disney HK lagi so xdapat nak compare. Hihi.
Aku pun xfaham tetiba ada feeling nak beli headband tu. Nampak pula warna pink liplap tu teruslah teruja. Tapi betul, bila lagi nak melaram gitu kalau x kat sana. Layan xlayan kartun, belakang cerita. Hokey! Aku tunggu turn ko lak melaram ngan headband Mickey. Disneyland Paghee seberang je weii.
aku pun tak minat sgt masuk theme park ni...USJ tu sabit adik aku nak sgt aku follow masuk, tak main sgt pun...amek gmbo je...tapiiii disneyland aku suka!hahaha sebab lg best amek gambar sbb dia cantik!!aku tgk ni mcm lg cun je tokyo nye compared to HK...hehehe nak kena masuk dlm iti la nampak gayanye nih...hehehehe
Walau xsuka theme park tapi Everland aku suka sebab deco dia lawa. Banyak benda boleh tengok. Tetiba cakap pasal Korea. Hahaha. Disneyland pun cantik gak, banyak garden. Nak lagi gi time spring kan, semua bunga pun mekar berkuntum2. Alaaa xmasuk HK punya so xdapat compare. Wah nak repeat Jepang ler tu kan.
huwaaaa cantiknye la sakura! then bunga sana sini, jelessssssss T_T
Sakura sangat cantik. Nak tengok wisteria tapi musim xkena pula. Tetiba jadi minah bunga bila tengok sana sini bunga kembang mekar.
My hero masa kecik2 dulu non other than Donald Duck... Donald Duck... n Donald Duck! Ntah nape minat sangat si montot tonggek putih gebu tuh! Hehe :)
Comel tau Donald Duck. Dah lah becok potpetpotpet. Sesuai muncung dia ngan montot tonggek tu.
aku tgk entry ni rasa heartbeat laju pulak.
bukan psl excited..pasal dengki.
Eleh ntah2 ko & Abu dah plan nak gi Disneyland bawa mr Boyfie aku adik Boyfie.
Hahaha dengki ye. Wei nanti kalau sampai, sila over gak kat tulips ye. Walau aku tau kat tempat ko lagi berlambak tulips.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aku nda dapat decidelah mau p universal studio ka disneyland akakaka.... over pulak aku.
Kau bawa anak2, better pi Disneyland lah. US tu banyak mainan extreme.
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