Gue berjaya hadkan hasil belian yesterday. Yippie! See I told u, I know how to handle my ridiculous passion for shopping. I've lost interest to shop; geli ketiak dengar. But that's the fact to swallow for now peeps. Perhaps, terlampau banyak choice buat kepala pusing. So nafsu membeli pun berkurangan. I guess I will stick to online shopping then; dapat pelihara lebih banyak lemak. As per Ruby said to me last night.
Managed to grab few shawls, two inners & few ala-Gypsy scarf. The scarf will compliment the green dress which Dot has set as the official dress to wear on the reception this Sun. We're told to wear pink for the solemnization. Fuh, lucky ada juga terselit favorita color gue.
After sweating ourselves at Jalan TAR & making sure nothing more to purchase; Ezza & I headed to Sogo straight away. I've long planned untuk melantak di cafe favorita gue. I've been feeding Ezza's mind with the word Nandos since early in the morning. Nasib jak budak tu ndak muntah darah! Kena paham ok di tanah tumpah negeri gue cafe itu tiada wujud di mana2. Hence the uber excitement.
Malam pula ngedate with my ex-roomate cum housemate back in UniMalaya. Miss Ruby whom just got back from Canada. Rindu banget ama cewek itu deh. Makin meletop ever since bunga2 chenta berterbangan di udara. Muka pun radiant & glowing. Hah tu belum kahwin lagi...ntah nanti terpaksa aku pakai sunglasses just to avoid silau radiant minah tu. We had dinner at Pelita, Ampang. Alkisah, initial plan was to have dinner at Bangsar. Then tukar pi Keramat. Pastu tukar lagi to Kg. Baru. Sekali sampai area KLCC*, laju jak dia belok kiri masuk building Nasi Kandar Pelita. Mentang2 aku cancel trip to Penang. Perli lah tu. Nama jak nasi kandaq but we ordered bread instead. Ruby had 2 slices of roti telur while I had roti cheese & roti planta. Oh yeah, mentekedarah tak hengat. Siap kena perli sama mamak. Ugh dasar! Diet semua ke laut kalau sudah berdepan tukang ambil order. Oho niat untuk salahkan mamak tak berapa nak handsome tapi manis ada di Pelita nampak...
Tapi sangat keji when I totally forgot to take pic with her. Masyuk sangat bergosip bercerita sampai saat crucial as such boleh lupa. Dusyum! No worries, akan dapat mengabadikan muka berseri minah tu this Sunday. She'll be attending the reception & I hope she won't forget to bring my gifts from Montreal as well. Harus panjang pout kalau dia lupa lagi. Drama perlu.
Bersama sepupu. Menjamah perut dengan hidangan fav gue. Lemon & herb chic meal from Nando's. I is chenta their sauces. But minus the ketchup, tq.
On another different story, I decided to make bubur asyura for breaking of fast today. Also ayam rendang ndak jadi warna. And I didn't expect the cousins took less than an hour to sweep clean the pot. I always think they enjoyed rice rather than porridge. But I've proved myself wrong this time. Siap si bongsu yang ndak berapa kecil tu minta disuap. Eleh, mau bermanja lah tu sama 'temporary maid'.
Alhamdulillah juga dapat sempurnakan puasa hari ni. Tomorrow jadi peneman today's fast. All thanks to
Aida si Wanita Merah Jambu for blogging about Asyura. Leka sangat menatap bulan Disember sampai lupa peristiwa dalam bulan Muharram. Ketuk kepala ko ndak lama Bie. And because I was fasting, I decided to just stay at home the whole day. Oh no, I wasn't saying fasting weaken me. It's just that, godaan terlalu banyak if I were to go out. Konsep cakap gitu? Ngeh~
Dalam proses menternak menanak.

Done. Too slothful to deco. It would have been more presentable if I shred sliced omelette, spring onions & fried onions on top. Biarlah, janji habis licin.

My rendang ayam warna ndak jadi.
Ok enough for today. Oh by the way, kejam ndak kejam tomorrow mahu jejak Ikea. Harus akan take away the delicious curry puffs & meatballs. Itu ndak boleh kata tidak...pengsan nanti penasaran malam2 kalau ndak dapat.