Salam all.
Anyway, I'm currently lying on my oh so comfy bed...updating the blog through my precious mobile. Bliss of having the wireless modem at home. I can go online wherever I wish. Mode: Promo product orang lain dengan poyo sungguh.

Travel in the younger sort is part of education. Travel in the older sort is part of experience.
kalo i tahap tersengguk dpn pc tu, tandanya...sudah, xde maknanya kau buat2 rajin lagi. off je pc tu..tido.
my office is always a shipwreck. nobody can tell when it is really shipwrecked!!hehe
LOL I tertidur sbb online atas katil & guna hp je. Psl tu xdan nk off2 segala. Hahaha tp pena je kes tetido dpn laptop. Tgh2 masyuk chat lak tu. Hampas btl perangai.
Klu ofis always a shipwreck...tu tanda pekerja dedikasi. *kot?* Lalala~
baru aku mo tanya kalau hujung taun ni cafe ko bukak, ingat mo datang sana, ko masak sedap2. hehehe
Next week ttp suda kami. Resume next year. Masak? Ko biar betul, ada nnt diarrhea xpdni baik tu. Hahaha. Siap hidang bah suma tu makan. Ada goreng tp bukan aku ah tukang masak. LOL
Napa bah muka sa mcm baboon ko upload! Lol
Aik I thought u approved suda tu ari. LOL cute bah.
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