Assalamualaikum. G'Day Mate!
Alhamdulillah, tamatlah sudah entries for Day 3- Melbourne Trip. Previous entry (
here). Haraplah semakin rajin membebel di sini. Sekarang ni masa bukan penghalang sebenarnya tapi more to penyakit M. Ingatkanlah bila jauh dari tanah tumpah darah, penyakit ni tertinggal di sana. Rupanya, melekat abadi! Parah betul.
Anyway, lets continue with our Day 4 activities.
29 July 2015
Cowes, Phillip Island
We stayed at a motel in Cowes; situated just two minutes walking to the Cowes Jetty. Cowes is the main township on Phillip Island. Main reason I chose this motel was that we could enjoy a morning walk to the jetty. Although we woke up on time & had everything ready ahead of schedule; we dropped the idea to walk & chose to drive instead. Jimat masa (and tenaga). So much of my angan-angan for a morning exercise, yes?
#1 Cowes Jetty |
No special reason on visiting this jetty. We just wanna kill time while waiting for the Wildlife Park to open at 10am. Sambil tu bolehlah cuci mata tengok laut awal pagi, tenangkan jiwa yang memang sedia tenang. Kalau datang on New Year's eve, bolehlah layan bunga api. Ni datang tengah tahun, layan bunyi ombak & kicauan burung sajalah mampu.
#2 Tengok laut memang automatik hati tenang |
#3 Smart birds aligned in front of me so I can take picture of them |
#4 Golden Cypress trees lining along the Thompson Avenue; the town's main road. I wonder how this road looks like during autumn |
Phillip Island Wildlife Park
We drove to the Wildlife Park 10 minutes before it opens. Sebab kiasu mau masuk duluan dari yang lain, supaya boleh ambil gambar without extra model.
Admission fee is AUD 19.00 for adults. And that came with one bag of kangaroo food for each one of us. If the free bag isn't enough, u can always buy more. Sold at 50 cents per bag.
#5 Which way to go first |
#6 Ok, Wallaby it is |
#7 Super cute! I can't help but to kept calling them. Tapi nan hado dilayan |
#8 And two is better than one; always |
#9 Rupanya ada taktik memanggil. Seiring panggilan, u have to show them u brought food as well |
That one over there, memang endlessly membontot aku. Half of the kibbles was eaten by him/her.
#10 U will do anything to get my attention, yes? Including bagi pose spastic macam ni. |
#11 Missing the children at home while feeding this one |
#12 Thank u sister; s/he said |
#13 Always the most arrogance. The Black Swan. . |
We saw her while crossing the bridge on our way to see the koalas. Mula-mula, tenang jak dia berenang with her friends. Sekali nampak kami, terus sibuk mengepak-ngepak dalam air tu. Sungguh benar teori itu kan, black swan memang bangga lebih. Over tau.
Sebenarnya sudah set mind awal-awal, chances for us to see a not-sleeping koala is pretty low. Like, seriously very very thin! They sleep more than 20 hours a day. Blame them not for that's their lifestyle. They sleep most of the day & only wake up occasionally to move around or interact with other koalas. They wake up at night only to eat! They explore trees in order to search for the right leaves to eat. And yes, they only feed on eucalyptus. Very high in fibre, and super low calories. Siapa agak-agak mau diet boleh cuba daun ni. But jangan terkejut kalau jadi macam koala. Montel semangkuk.
#14 This is what u will become if u practice the Koala's diet |
#15 Human, I sleep in the most swag position ya'll. And I don't pose for the camera like 'normal' animal. |
#16 Apparently; this always-sleepy creature just did not give a damn to our loud voices. Just focus on conserving your body energy darling. |
# Ok I gave up. Tidurlah sepuasnya wahai koala ku sayang. |
Kecewa sama si Koala, marilah kita pi farther inside. Limpas few cages that house different other wildlife such as bats, owls, lizards, snakes etc. And of course I didn't take any pictures of them because I could see them in Malaysia (if I go to the zoo that is).
Saw a mob of kangaroos at the back of the park. Ke dalam-dalam sikit, area hutan. Pastu 3 wanita jelita gigih memanggil-manggil. And 2 of them responded. Punyalah excited tengok diorang datang melompat toing toing towards us. Lupa ambil video sebab excited terlebih.
# Silalah cepat mengudap sebelum si Hitam Menawan itu ambil alih |
Ntah dari mana muncul, kedatangan anda meninggikan degupan jantung lah wahai Cik Swan. I have pretty horrid past experience with goose. I know u're a swan but still...u both came from the same family. Ugh!
# Posing buat-buat usha tangan Ms H nampaknya awak Cik Kangaroo. Kecewa kah tiada kibbles di situ |
# The Jemahs; minus two |
Lepas ronda lebih kurang, off we went to our next destination. Hari ni kena pulun habis semua aktiviti yang supposedly done the day before. Adoilah drama ndak habis-habis. Belum pernah lagi ada no-drama trip sama diorang ni so far. Tapi bagi aku, that's the most valuable part. Paling-paling mahu disimpan kemas dalam kotak memori. Kalau tiada drama, macam ndak best pula trip tu kan. Lagipun, tu juga salah satu cara kami untuk lebih rapat & kenal each other's unique characters.
Hakikatnya, kau akan lebih tahu true colors someone tu if u've travel together. Yang kami ni sudah travel more than 3 times together. Haruslah terlebih kenal masam manis masing-masing. Eh terlebih luah pula ending entry kali ni kan. Anyway, these are the people I will keep for life. Kau kasi gunung emas pun aku ndak mau trade. Gitu ayat. Sekali baru bentang sepeti emas, sudah kau lupa diri sana kan Bie.
So, where we're to next? To see more of those always-sleeping creature. Walhal ndak kena layan, tapi gigih mau pi jumpa kan. Ok next akan involve aktiviti mencari koala dalam hutan. There's mission to accomplish gitu. Poyo ayat. Maka misi cumalah untuk cari hidden koalas among the trees. Pffft!
Till then, wassalam.