Assalamualaikum. Konnichiwa.
Congrats to myself! Akhirnya berjaya kubur perangai malas. Hormon Rajin cumalah mampu bertahan for few days last week. Cafe makin lengang, most of the time lepak dalam office. Tapi aku prefer layan blogwalking or draft itinerary. Ada tabiat bingai sejak dulu, draft itinerary untuk upcoming trip(s) tapi most of the places belum pun ada flight ticket. Sadis kan! Ini lah namanya tiada kerja; mencari kerja. Berangan adalah percuma. Selagi masih sedar di mana bumi dipijak, insha Allah ndak kan hanyut dalam mimpi. Terbaik hujah untuk justify rasa guilty. Ngeh.
Ini adalah sambungan dari cerita lepas (
sini). Our last day in Japan. Phew, finally kan! Sampai juga ke hari akhir. Berzaman gila mau habiskan. Perangai betul!
Hari ni (11 April 2014), aku bangun super awal. Lepas Subuh, terus mata jadi buntang. Paksa tidur balik pun ndak mau. Ms H balik pagi tu, mula plan untuk hantar dia sampai train station. Tapi suddenly aku jadi malas. Boleh? Kejam di awal pagi. Lagipun station cumalah sepelaung dari hostel, it should be no problem to find her way. Because her JR Pass is still valid she just have to take the train from Shinimamiya Station which will directly bring her to Kansai Airport.
And oleh kerana aku ndak dapat tidur balik, maka marilah isi perut. Masalah problem hotel ni, diorang ndak da provide pantry at each level. Terpaksalah aku turun dari Level 5 pi lobby untuk ambil air panas. Mau rendam maggi & buat minuman untuk breakfast. Lucky ndak payah menapak turun naik tangga, lif ada.
We only have one more day to explore Japan. Jadinya perlu siap cepat & bertolak awal to our next destination.
My breakfast. Motif siap promo kunci hotel kan. |
Dengan muka minta belas kasihan, ketuk bilik Ms P & Ms C minta bread. Dapatlah 2 keping. Siap spread planta lagi. Terbaik betul Ms C ni travel. Bekalan makanan dia bawa, macam boleh buka mini 7-Eleven sudah. Aku isi perut semaksimum mungkin pagi tu sebab kunun akan banyak berwalkertapaki sampai malam.
JR Shinimamiya Station --- via JR Yamatoji Line ---> Osaka Station --- via JR Special Rapid Service ---> JR Kobe Station
Supposedly kami turun di Sannomiya Station sebab first destination adalah Kobe Mosque. Tapi sebab masing2 sibuk bercerita macam berkurun ndak jumpa, we missed the station! Jadinya proceed to our third destination. Tu dia kan, lompat terus pi third.
According to the itinerary asal, lepas Kobe Mosque akan proceed pi HAT Kobe. District city yang baru developed. Tujuan utama ialah untuk masuk Earthquake Memorial Museum. Semangat gila aku mau masuk. Walau di Malaysia possibility untuk kita kena earthquake tu macam nipis, tapi aku mau lah juga tau pasal tragic event tu.
Pastu aku plan untuk lunch di sana sekali. DJ ada mentioned pasal kedai makanan halal around that area. According to her, mostly government servants kita were sent there to attend courses. So diorang lah yang share info pasal tempat makan halal tu semua.
Dari Kobe Station, kami ikut Duo Kobe (Hamanote) underground passage. Easiest way to get out from the station to the main road. |
Been there, done that. Kobe, ticked! |
Dapat tau pasal Harborland ni lepas baca entry si John. They went to Kobe Tower during autumn, last year. While digging info about the tower; one that made famous because of Ultraman series I came across this place. Harborland is a commercial cum sightseeing area opened in 1992. What made me decided to include this in the list is because of its seaside sightseeing spots.
Rindu mau tengok laut. Walau di KK ni, jarak Tg Aru beach sama rumah sepelaung cuma...aku sudah jarang gila ada masa untuk melepak layan perasaan di sana. The current 'peace destruction' going on along Tg Aru beach is simply devastating!
Anyway, I set a mission for myself prior visiting Harborland. There are 13 must-visit spots here. So aku mau menjejak sekadar yang termampu; if not all.
Gigih kami datang awal, pula tu Friday. Memang lenggang jaklah jalan raya time ni. |
#1 Soten Tower. |
Tinggi zirafah tu ialah 8 meter. And it is located just in front of Culmeni shopping plaza. Ni juga adalah meeting place yang famous di sini. Kunun nya kalau kita terjumpa someone depan sculpture ni, u will fall in love. Aah in love sangat, sampai pun sunyi sepi. Yang ada sama aku time tu cumalah minah bertiga tu.
Domino's delivery. Comel! |
#2 The Elvis Presley Statue |
This statue was set up in Harajuku, Tokyo in 1987. 10 years after his death. And it has soothed the souls of all his fans. Fuh, die hard fan sungguh sampai perlu ada statue untuk tenangkan jiwa para peminat si Elvis ni ah. Statue ni dipindahkan ke Kobe in 2009. Pastu sekarang fans jadikan sort of 'sacred spot' pula. Tu yang siap ada kalung bunga bagai. Fresh flower tu. Dari jam 1130am-850pm, akan ada lagu2 Elvis yang dipasang setiap 10/30/50 minit. Considering kami sampai awal, nan hado lah yang kami dengar.
#3 Mosaic Watch Tower |
Tapi tower tu aku lupa snap. Only the pedestrian bridge yang masuk gambar. Tower ni dibina pada 1914 & dulu digunakan untuk pantau pergerakan keluar masuk kapal kargo yang masuk pelabuhan.
Ni lah view atas pedestrian bridge tadi. |
Banyak souvenir shops & cafes lining this bridge. Tapi kami keluar masuk jaklah. Kunun simpan duit untuk shopping di Shinsaibashi malam nya. Yang tu cerita entry akan datang.
Sudah jalan lebih kurang, we took a rest at this bench. Overlooking the sea gitu konsep dia. Kan rindu laut. Ms G ambil peluang untuk lunch. Bawa bekal kau! Yang lain, kunun diet. Makan pisang & biskut. |
Sebenarnya ada mimpi untuk berdiri bawah tower ni di malam hari. Time dia 'pakai' baju liplap. Tapi mimpi tinggal kenangan. Tengok gambar di google jaklah. |
Lepas layan perut, kami turun dari observation deck tu. Time to enjoyed the sunlight. Walau angin bersepoi2 but at least mentari yang muncul emitted some haba lah juga.
#4 Love's Post Box |
This postbox was set here to commemorate Harborland's 15th anniversary. Alkisah, this spot adalah famous for romantic stuffs. A number of marriage proposals & couple's appeals happened here. People normally share their romance feeling of this spot; sometimes expressing their emotion by sending love letters & mementos of their trip from this postbox.
And I don't want to be left out. So I inserted the postcard I wrote for myself in this postbox! Selamat sampai di tangan aku few weeks after balik dari Jepang haritu. Tapi yang aku tulis bukan benda romantik pun. Salah konsep kau ni Bie!
#5 Takahama Quay p/s Ignore the Ninja-cum-Ultraman wannabe |
View from the quay. |
Fulfilling Ms P's request to ride the Ferris wheel of fortune. That's the price ticket for 1 car. |
Some view of the port from inside the car. |
#6 The old Kobe Harbor signal tower |
Built in 1921 to guide ships to & out from the harbor. Back in the days, it was considered as the top signal tower in Asia. It ended its function in 1990.
#7 Brick Warehouses |
Dulu kala, warehouses ni simpan barangan kargo dari kapal yang datang dari seluruh pelusuk dunia. Nowadays, they're home to many fancy restaurants. And also a sightseeing destination. Masa kami di sini, tempat ni macam sunyi sebab mostly cafes/restaurants buka petang sikit.
#8 Harbor Walk |
Laluan yang sebelah kiri tu dibina dari kayu. Kalau jalan sini kala malam, view memang terbaik. The gas lanterns are lighted at night thus giving the walk along this passage a moment to remembered. Siap bau laut lagi. Memang paling lengkap kalau aku. Boleh duduk layan drama swasta sendiri atas bench, menghadap laut.
Sudah habis 'sunbathing', Ms P pointed this mall. "Nak masuk" she requested. Supported by Ms C. So, masuklah kami. |
Selama travel aku ndak pernah ada plan masuk any mall untuk membeli terbelah. But! Statement "Aku akan cuci mata while tunggu the others do their shopping spree" adalah semata2 poyo during this trip. Di sinilah segala damage terjadi. Aku keluar mall siap bawa balik 2 plastic bags! Sigh. As much as I tried to control my lust over retail therapy, the Spring Sales managed to lured me still. Conclusion, si Err tewas di Umie. Sob.
#9 Ball Machine Din Don p/s The machine is the one on the left side. Nun di bawah sana. This is the closest of Din Don I have in my album. Terkesima tengok mesin tu beroperasi, menonong jalan ke depan lepas tu. Ndak terfikir mau snap gambar. Perangai. |
Lepas acara mengoyakkan poket, another acara poyo took place. My first & second ngopi sessions at Starbucks for 2014(!!) was in Tokyo...and di Kobe ni was the third. Punyalah berat kaki mau melangkah masuk Starbucks kalau di KK, tapi bila di tempat orang suddenly jadi pengunjung tegar. Nasib jak ndak berjangkit sama Ms P untuk beli tumbler bagai. Masa lepak ngopi ni aku sebenarnya dalam mode contemplating untuk beli sebiji jaket di Zara. Harga gila murah after sales. Tapi nasib otak kembali waras. I ditched the idea to buy the jacket demi teringat yang next trip memang mainly untuk membelahkan poket. Else memang triple berbelah lah aku di Kobe haritu.
Keluar dari Umie, tiba2 angin bersepoi mengganas. Tarik zip jaket sampai atas...jalan tunduk tinguk tanah. Grrr grrr sejuk bergegar lutut. Next destination is the mosque. Yang ni kalau ndak jadi, memang aku marah sama diri sendiri. Apa kes temples, hutan bambu, mall etc etc boleh kau terjah...siap sesat, sanggup return the next day. Tapi masjid langsung ndak mau jejak. Gitu kan amaran sama diri. Masjid di Tokyo aku skipped sebab aku tau kewujudan masjid di Kobe. So ndak da alasan untuk skip kali ni as esok awal pagi kami akan balik Malaysia. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. Dapat aku jejak masjd tu.
Cerita lanjut, nanti aku sambung. Penat woo menaip. Entry ni jak pun sudah masuk draft folder 3x. Bertangguhan sangat!