Assalamualaikum. 안녕!
It really does took ages for me to complete this Summer Holiday series.
Anyway, shoot! It was our last night in South Korea therefore we planned to end the night with something sweet & certainly; memorable.
Direction to Banpo Rainbow Bridge (Banpodaegyo):
1. Take the subway & alight at Express Bus Terminal Line 3.
2. Exit at 8-1.
3. Walk straight until the end of the road. Do not cross the road.
4. Turn right & walked straight until the first traffic light.
5. Cross the road. In the middle of the road, u will see the Jamsugyo Walking Track (tunnel-like passage).
6. Follow the track & the bridge is at the other end of the track. U still need to walk few metres from the track exit to the Hangang river bank.
7. Enjoyed the Moonlight Rainbow show!

This building fancily decorated with colourful signboards will be ur view once out from the subway exit.
We were there an hour before dusk...hence explain the quite heavy traffic. Orang baru mau balik dari kerja, kami pula keluar cuci mata.
Cross the road here.
Note that sign at the left side. No smart re-charger of electric vehicles here.
Seoul Government will begin the operation of environment-friendly electric buses in November. They will start with 15 buses on 3 routes in Namsan; in which I plan to hop on in my next visit. Obviously, this mode of vehicles emit no air pollution. I seriously think our government should consider this type of 'investment' to the rakyat. What's more when there's news that the fuel price will increase again, soon.

Artworks entertained me along this walkway. If u feel like u've lost ur way, just ask around the local. They would be more than willing to help. Trust me, Korean are very helpful & thoughtful. Show them the 'still I don't get the direction' face...they will personally lead u to the place. Or if u're too shy2 cat to ask, just follow where the crowd goes. Chances they're heading to the same destination as u are high as Banpo bridge rainbow fountain show attracts not only tourists; but the locals as well.

Moi before the famous rainbow bridge. Highlight of our last day in Seoul. Very relaxing indeed. We engraved such lovely memories for this trip; as per Ms G said to me countless times.

We arrived at the river bank few minutes before the show begins. I feel so calm & at peace just by sitting there; watching how the Seoulites spend their evening. Loads of couples as usual; also families. I enjoyed watching the show that last for merely ten minutes. The water dance to the music played. I did recorded this show & watched it every now-and-then; which make me miss Seoul even more. Sob! But at least, my wish to go there came true. Another wishlist; ticked. Alhamdulillah.
There are 2 rainbow fountain shows every evening. First show begins at 1930 & the last show at 2030. I would suggest the latter show to get a more stunning & real view of the rainbow fountain. Like the picture below.

From Banpo Bridge, we walked back to the subway where we alighted earlier. We entered the subway station through Gate 4; which also lead us to the Go To Mall underground shopping mall. Last mission to finish the remaining Won. There's so many shops there. Rambang mata! Despite being spoiled with too many options & not to forget reasonable price; I ended up buying nothing as I didn't found the thing I looked for. Ms G & Ms Z generously spent their Won at one of the shop that had every items on sale. Gembira sang wanita semua keluar kedai pegang plastic bag filled with barang belian berbaloi2.
Done shopping, we took the subway train & stopped at Sindang Station (Line 2 or Line 6); Exit 8. Perut sudah bising menyanyi dangdut countlessly warning us that it's dinner time!

Out from the exit, u will see this 119 Station across the road; on ur right. Walk straight keeping this station on ur right.

Our last dinner in South Korea before we go back to Malaysia early the next day. We opted to dined at Mabongnim Halmeoni Tteokbokki; one of the earliest to start the business at this area in 1953. The other day when we had jjukkumi for dinner, the restaurant displayed the owner's picture; halmeoni (grandmother/nenek). This time pun sama juga. Perlukah untuk glamour wahai halmeoni?
I got to know about this shop from the same blog I found out about jjukkumi bokkeum in Jegi-dong.

Service here is super fast. They cleaned up the table soon after the customers left. Time is gold for restaurant business as well; not only when u travel. Gah!

Korean tteokbokki (rice-cakes in red pepper sauce). Empty mandu & eggs are given based on the number of customers at the table. We came in threes hence we got three boiled eggs & three mandu. The ulam (far right) is radish; that's free. Habis, sila jangan malu untuk minta lagi. Price per meal is determined on the numbers of customers. We paid 30,000 KRW for this dinner.

Unlike the jjukkumi bokkeum, cooking tteokbokki needs no special skill at all. Tunggu ramen masak, sauce thickens...and it's ready to be eaten. Yumm yumm. Looking at this picture makes me drool! I miss dining in Seoul. Motif poyo gila kenapa?

We went back to our hostel right after dinner. The two ladies purchased ice cream at a kiosk near the restaurant on our way back to the subway station. Melepas kempunan. Ndak dapat ice cream 20cm di Myeongdong, ice cream Sindang-dong pun jadilah! Did our last minute packing before we sailed to dreamland. Woke up super early the next morning, catches the limousine bus to the airport which bus stop is just minutes walking from the hostel.
Anyeonghi-gyeseyo Seoul. We will meet again in few months; insha Allah. Si Err pun drama gila berpesan bagai.
Finally, a wrap! Will scribble an entry about the budget & yadda yadda when time permits.