25 March 2013

Buang Tabiat: Post-weekend Mood!

Assalamualaikum. Annyeong.

I'm having the weekend rest deficiency syndrome at this current moment!!! I didn't get my most deserved rest this time hence the drama. Last Sat, I went to bed at 230a. Woke up way too early the next morning; that's yesterday. I was supposed to wake up another couple of hours but Angah piercing voice invaded my calm Sunday morning. Membebel non stop...ugh!

Yeah, Angah is in town. Pakcik & the not-so-little cousin tagged along this time. Surprise arrival kunun! She's here to settle matters regarding the house renovation in Telipok.  It's been a year since the renovation took place...yet, only 80% of the work has completed to date. The amount of money spent could be used to build another single-storey house. That's how lousy the contractors who have been appointed did their work. Tiga kali tukar sebab semua buat kerja macam ayam mati. Duit mau, kerja nan ado.

Fine, tujuan entri adalah untuk curhat ketidakselesaan diri. Oh God, how I long for the weekend to arrived early! 빨리와주세요! Friday will be a public holiday for Sabahan! Oh yeah, early weekend for yours truly. I think I need to do something with myself. Pembersihan jiwa. Sebab selalu rasa gelisah ndak tentu arah. 

Monday blues caught me good this time. Tried hard to balance my fluctuating mood. Two of the workers didn't show up adding more stress to the already not so great mood. Or perhaps menses coming soon hence the unstable me. Hmm.



Anonymous said...

caught up by monday blues jg yesterday.. sabo jer la kan.. part of life..except on my side it is because saya MALAS!! LOL! Mood cuti yg dua bulan lagi..wakakakka-grungesuperbadasscute

Unknown said...

Towards the evening fully recharged sudah ah. Maybe kurang tidur bah tu. Took my short nap after 2p, bangun dengan perasaan super segar. Malas might be part of my excuse for the blues to be able to penetrate my system, I think. 2 months more...counting days already perhaps. Lol

Malicious Mind said...

pernah tak terasa begitu malas gila mau buat apa apa.. mau tidur sama guling2 di bed saja. u pernah begini?

Unknown said...

Itu macam almost everyday ah. Lagi2 when the meows pun tidur dengan aman, sungguh jeles. Kalau mau dekat cuti pun gitu, after cuti pun gitu. Penyakitan!!