Assalamualaikum. Annyeong.
It's been excessively hot these past few days. Since last week. I can't bear the heat sometimes I stayed in the office right after Zuhr' prayer. The fan at each gerai at the cafe didn't help much. Alhamdulillah, after days of whining about the sweltering weather Allah let the rain pour yesterday evening. Continued until late last night.
Anyways, I've been meaning to update about my last day in Johor. My first getaway in 2013. Insha Allah, many to come later. But I was too exhausted after coming back from work. Poyo. This morning I managed to find my time to update; fortunately.
Ms. A left for Kolumpur by bus early in the morning. So there were only Bunda & I left in the room. We purposely woke up a bit late for I didn't plan any activity to do that day. I don't know but honestly, there's nothing in my itinerary related to exploring Johor except for JPO.
Had lunch at the restaurant located on the first of floor of the hotel's building. I forgot the name but it has got something to do with Le Safron I think. Bunda spent her time at this restaurant the night before; watching the last episode of Janji Shirah. A TV3 drama she followed from the start. Never missed a single episode of it. And we were forced to accompany her!
Tersengguklah dua-tiga kali di sana. Ngantuk. To make us stay, Bunda let forced us to order drinks & snacks. For God sake, we were already full due to the heavy dinner hours before that. I even had to visit the loo right after we came back from Spice7. Overloaded!
Paid RM15 nett for the breakfast buffet. The menu: Nasi Lemak, Fried Mee/Mee Hoon, Chicken Curry *which I think was reheat from last night menu*, orange juice, guava juice & hot drinks (coffee, tea). Bunda said ignore the price immediately after I frowned upon seeing the menu served.
"Last night, the waiter was so nice to me. He allowed me to watch the drama. So today we give back what we received. Breakfast on me".
Fine. Captain voiced out her arahan, I don't think I was able to disobey. Furthermore, memang kau cari penyakitlah kalau mau menapak cari kedai makan lain dengan perut kosong nyanyi dangdut kan Bie.
To justify the RM15...I decided to consume everything served. First, nasi lemak. Followed by the fried mee. And later the fried mee hoon. Perut tembolok gajah ntah mana aku simpan semua makanan tu. No wonder I gained few kilos after coming back from the holiday. Selalu berazam, makan berpada2 time bercutian. But so far memang fail ke laut. Right to the drain the resolution went.
Because it's still early, I suggested that we should go for some sightseeing around the city. I took a brochure at the hotel's reception. Stating places of interest to visit in Johor Bahru. I opted for the mosque & palace before proceeding to City Square Mall.
Took the taxi from the hotel to Sultan Abu Bakar State Mosque. The appearance took over the English Victorian architecture; with some minor Malay influence. The mosque situated on a hill overlooking the Straits of Johor. This mosque got its name after the Sultan Abu Bakar; who ordered the construction. Nothing much to see here. It's an old mosque currently undergoing some major reconstruction.
Classic window. Very the feel dulu2.
The ablution area located opposite the entrance.
Belakang masjid ada ciri moden di situ. Yang ni memang confirm baru jak recently built. Buat majlis resepi kahwin area macam ni pun best...luas & open. Hoi stop verangan please!
After the mosque, we walked to the palace. According to the taxi driver who drove us from the hotel, the palace is just a walking distance from the mosque. And since khidmat superwalkertapaki memang sudah biasa aku applied, jarak 1km tu macam petik jari. Riak? Bunda agreed to walk as well. Jalan punya jalan; dengan cuaca mendung angin nan ado bertiup...jalanraya bersebelah selat hence muka jadi cepat melekit...sekali sampai tepi palace; ada big signboard
"No Entry. Men at work".
Memang paling hangat asrama Bunda punya jelingan. After walking for merely 2km! Nasiblah si bulky Blackie ndak ku hangkut sekali masa tu. Nico was in Bunda's bag jadi memang ndak da aktiviti snap sambil berwalkertapaki. Mau juga aku snap muka istana yang tutup due to construction work tu tapi peluh jantan telah mengalir aku serius penat gaban. Apalah pakcik teksi tu langsung ndak tau palace tu tutup!! Since Bunda started complaining about her sore foot, we decided to just take a taxi in front of Johor Bahru Post Office to City Square Mall.

Right after we alighted from the taxi, perut terus berteriak mau makan di Ayam Penyet Ria. Ha ndak gila ayat orang tembolok. Habis sudah semua breakfast aku bertukar tenaga; guna masa walkertapaki tu. Jadi perlulah isi tenaga kembali.
Favorita! Lele @ ikan keli Penyet!! It wasn't easy to find ikan keli in KK. Kalau ada pun, saiz cinonet. Besar lagi tapak tangan aku. Memang makan ndak da ampun ever since we arrived Johor Bahru. Tolak pasir batu jak aku ndak telan. Mulut munching non-stop.
Tegar sungguh impian untuk pigi mall ni for the second time. Semua gara2 these Korean shops lah! Bought few things at NR corner. The prices are slightly cheaper in the West compare to Sabah.
After City Square, we went to the opposite building. The newly built Johor Bahru Sentral. It is link to the CIQ Immigration. Convenient enough for those staying in Johor Bahru & intended to visit Singapore at the same time. From CIQ boleh naik CW1 bus to Woodland. We didn't spend much time there, tengok kedai apa yang ada. Nama pun baru so ndak da sangat yang menarik jiwa. We then went back to Tune Hotel by taxi. Lepas solat & touch up we departed for the airport.
Senai International Airport; the Air Asia drop luggage counter. As we arrived 2 hours early than the departure time, aktiviti isi perut bermula sekali lagi. Masa ni malas sudah mau bergambar bagai. I bought a slice of blueberry cheese cake from SR for tea. Tapi hangkut masuk food court sebab Bunda menjamu laksa di situ. Speaking of "eat like I care about the weight scale".
Masuk boarding area...sayup jauh di luar tingkap aku nampak awan hitam berkupal2 datang. I told Bunda our flight definitely going to be delayed due to the weather. And not long after, announcement was made. Memang delay sebab kapal dari KK pun ndak dapat take off. Strong wind.
After the
incident flying with easyJet from Schipol to London, aku memang ndak ambil port part berkeluh kesah kalau flight delayed disebabkan cuaca. Biarlah sampai berjam lambat janji aku ndak naik roller coaster di atas sana. Ngeri ok! Daratan langsung ndak dinampak, tapi kapal naik turun. Most valuable experience ever! Three bored-hours waiting; we finally boarded the plane. Arrived KK town ten minutes past midnight. No turbulence whatsoever...landing sangat smooth. Alhamdulillah, aku tidur super lena during the two hours flight.
Standing proudly before the handsome Bee! Kenangan terindah di USS.
My trip to Johor Bahru & Singapore came to its end; finally. Too many sweet & bitter memories created during this getaway. Nonetheless, I cherished them to the utmost. Praying for more trip with Bunda.
Ouh, the ticker indicates another three months to go! Ngeh. Sila stop segala aktiviti online shopping Bie...focus in saving. Two trips in three months time! Memang melampau.