Assalamualaikum. Annyeong.
Kesinambungan from previous entry.
After checking in...we immediately went to the Odyssey office to exchange our voucher with the boarding pass & immigration card. Settled there, we went up to our room. Refreshed ourselves...performed our jama' & were ready to go out for lunch. It's already 3p, no wonder the tummy started singing off tune. Asked the receptionist to call the taxi for us. Few minutes of waiting, taxi arrived...and off we go to City Square.
Initially we planned to have late lunch at Lat's Restaurant but since booking is needed prior going, we cancelled the plan & proceeded to the nearest mall from TH.
View outside the hotel's lobby.
Since I booked only the basic room...we have to rent the towel. The rental comes in package with soap & shampoo. But knowing me, soap if forever a foe to my fussy skin. It will become dry & itchy. That's why I always bring my own shower cream when I travel. Anyway, for this towel+soap+shampoo package it costs us RM 6.00 each. That red sling pack is urs to take home. Jadi ulu macam kami, we hesitated at first whether can we take it or not.
Perlu ok posing di situ...trip pelancong kan. After all, this is my second time to Johor Bahru after 15 years! The last time I went there, I didn't do any sightseeing. Nor did I stopped by to any shopping mall. City Square is just a 10 minutes drive from the hotel. It is situated in the heart of Johor Bahru. Connected with a bridge to the newly built Johor Sentral. Those who wish to go to Singapore can board the bus from the CIQ Immigration building opposite Johor Sentral. Before boarding the bus make sure sudah cop pasport ah. Insya Allah, next time I will try this method.
We immediately entered the first restaurant we encountered. Obvious enough, huh. Lapar tahap gaban!

Trio ladies trip it was. Enjoying our scrumptious meals at Season Cafe, City Square Mall. Their baked rice is worth trying! Penuh cheese!
After the late lunch...we wandered around the mall. The idea to visit Hello Kitty world popped out but Bunda straightaway rejected it. She suggested to just go back to our hotel & recharge for tomorrow's activity.

But I don't remember how the idea to go to the Johor Premium Outlet attracted her. We took taxi from the hotel to this place. Quite a distant I must say. JPO is surrounded by oil palm plantations & highways. Harus ada no. taxi because taxi don't just randomly roam around here. Unless kau bernasib baik, ada orang yang memang turun di JPO. Return taxi fare to & fro Tune Hotel - JPO cost about RM 60.00.
Fine, this I have to admit. I've successfully gained extra weight after coming back from this trip. Filling up the tummy was the main agenda. Sekian terima kasih. Pasal tu first place diterjah soon after we reached JPO was the food court. Kununlah minum petang...kununlah!

Cosy juga food court di JPO. Tempted to try the Korean dishes, Lele Penyet Jawa, Tom Yam Thai...subhanallah nafsu nafsu. Worry not, I managed to ignore that ridiculous appetite. Told myself, there will definitely be heavy dinner when we're back from JPO. Macam ndak makan setahun bah gaya. We settled for roti bakar & ice cham instead. Alhamdulillah gaya tembolok ndak berleluasa.
When I reached the hotel that afternoon, my eyes caught the signboard that I couldn't simply neglect. Tanam azam dalam hati akan dinner ikan bakar superb sedap that night. Harus dilaksana nanti kempunan ok. The next day akan cross over tambak Johor, bahaya kalau ndak terampit.
Brownie-us. Sudahlah dari KK matching PINK bersama.

Superb dinner. Love the ulam2an...and the sambal belacan to the max! I went back to our room with happy tummy. And I hit the sack pretty early; excited kau mau jelajah negara si Merlion the next day!