Yeah I heard u! Update weekend getaway yang basi! Truth is, I've been too caught up with my preparation for the upcoming holiday plan. The more I look at my schedule, the worrier I became. Risau ada aku tertinggal masuk dalam list, baru karau ayam mengatur di sana.
Yesterday, went to WM with Bunda. Kunun mau exchange RM tapi harapan ke laut when most of the money changers were out of stock for GBP. Puas aku pusing, alhamdulillah akhirnya ada 1 kiosk jadi penyelamat. Rate sudah naik .20 from the last time I checked. Served me right lah kan. The other day tukar sikit jak sebab menaruh harapan tegar the rate will go down. Increase lagi adalah. Sila lah sila tepuk bahu; congratulate kebingaian diri sendiri ah Bie.
Ok, please jangan stress. Calm least ada juga yang tertukar. Ndak lah sampai tahap mati kutu, langsung ndak da pocket money. Rate di Kolumpur is a bit higher than in KK; as per my friend told me just now. Hence Insya Allah, by the end of this week aku exchange semua. The ticker on the right side stated another 2 weeks to go. Heartbeat sudah detap-detup ndak ketentuan rhythm. Ish, bawa bertendang bertenang lah oii.
Anyways, main point entry ni adalah untuk tayang gambarS. As I didn't bring Blackie along that day...I depended solely on Mr Sam's precious camera to take picture. Pastu sebab aku separa pening lalat, maka ndak la banyak gambar aku snap. Moment bersama tu yang penting untuk dinikmati, ara.

9 May 2012. Filiz-Man little family. Adam melencong tempat lain therefore hanya gambar bertiga.

Your Truly's super kesayangan nephews & niece. Jipun-Adam-Airis
Read: Ignore the date. My mistake!

Will never get tired of this view.

Will never get tired of this view.

One of the superwoman in my life. A friend who watched me grew up...dari zaman hingus until zaman jelita sila muntah. *clearing throat*

Dedicated to all FINK + ROSE lovers! We rock!

Lunch @Nabalu Lodge, Kundasang. Jipun on the opposite sangat ndak puas hati tinguk menu Airis.

Fathers & Sons.

Later that night, after sending the guests back to their hotel...I immediately zoomed back home; fetched Bunda & headed to Suria Sabah. We had our Mother's Day dinner there together with a friend of mine.
Fuh...edisi makan ndak hengat ever since the guests' arrival. Up until this moment, aku masih dalam process to get rid of all the lemakS I accidentally gained that weekend. Sungguh pelik dengan sistem badan yang langsung ndak tau reject makanan.