Another update yang outdated....bangas basi sampalau.
It's our 2nd day in Bali.
Breakfast at the hotel's cafe. By the pool gitu.
While waiting for Pak Laba, killed the extra time posing for the camera(s).
Big sister a.k.a The PPGs Chief & the ahli normal.
View of paddy field along the way...breathtaking!
We super love the way their drivers behave on the road. Sangat tolerate! Regardless the narrow & winding roads.
Magnificent view of Lake Bratan.
Beloved sisters of mine. It was drizzling when we reached the place. Like; that will stop us from wandering & exploring more huh? Siap posing ada.
I've always dream to set my foot on this place...and seeing this pura right before my eyes is definitely a dream came true. The image of Tanah Lot Ten has never failed to mesmerized me...specially during sunset.
Despite arriving early...we still didn't have the chance to catch the sun sets. Rugi!
This was the best view of sunset we could witnessed from Tanah Lot, Bali that evening. Not the best view yet I'm grateful; still.
Friends I KEEP for life. The trip that is engraved into my memory until the end of time.
After Tanah Lot, we did some shopping at Ole Ole Bali in Kuta. Didn't take any picture because we're too occupied with the activity. Before heading back to the hotel, we asked Pak Laba to dropped us at one of the busy road in Seminyak to continue with our aktiviti shopping malam cuci mata. Kinda frustrated for lots of the shops were already close when we reached there. Jadi bertukarlah plan...betul2 kami cuci mata jak.
Bought dinner at a Nasi Padang stall near the hotel. And yes, kesedapan tahap maximum aku boleh berliur sampai sekarang. I do have a thing with nasi padang dishes...ugh saliva dripping!
Arrived our hotel room nearly midnight. As soon as we landed on the bed...baru terasa tulang belulang macam mau patah. Kami emangnya capek banget. Hit the sack pretty early as we gotta wake up early the next morning.
On the 3rd day we continued our journey to Ubud. Yang itu kita bicara lagi di lain warkah ya.
cantik foto ya..
wink wink
Thanks mucho. Kenangan tu
yg best.
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