As taken last Sun from Grunge's camera. Took most of them from her blog. Invaded Karambunai beach to witness the beautiful sunset. It's been planned like months already but only managed to accomplish it recently. Konon busy ah. Mel couldn't joined us again for she has birthday party to arrange.

It's Thurs' night which mean I'll shorten the time spend in front of Asus because I have more important thing to do. *clearing throat* CSI needs my attention more. That's the case. Lalala~~
ya kan comel tu kamera..cursor ko pun pink!
Comel kan Ernie. Kin girigitan. Pakai SD card lg tu. Hihihi sy rsa tu cursor mcm menawan ni. Ngeh~
omg im a hog! starvation mode in action....
Starvation mode? Sepa yg baru kol sy kestau dia mo p lunch? And sepa yg baru kestau sy dia maaaakan sija during meeting. LOL
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