Currently wasting killing my bloody time at LCCT; alone. The rest is on the way here from Kolumpur. They took the 11am bus from KL Sentral.
I was suppose to be on a flight to Bali right now. But due to ridiculous massive traffic congestion this morning...I was late to check in. By the time I arrived the airport...I was already way too late. The counter closed 45 minutes before departure & I reached the counter 10 minutes before boarding. Yes; I heard u laughing ur heart out there. Silakan.

I can't imagine what type of butterflies I had when the manager in charge told me that they can't do anything to help me. Sudahlah aku berkeseorangan jak di sana time tu as the rest masih berjimba di Kolumpur. The MiC told me I have no other choice than to purchase a new ticket. Like; what the. But realizing it was my fault I smiled & walked away. Next flight would be at 1055am. It costs around RM450++. Nasiblah punya teman2 yang baik, they helped me sort out my problem. Beli new ticket from KL I don't have enough cash therefore I used Turak's cc to buy it. Phew...oh my, what a day to start my Sunday.
I can't imagine what type of butterflies I had when the manager in charge told me that they can't do anything to help me. Sudahlah aku berkeseorangan jak di sana time tu as the rest masih berjimba di Kolumpur. The MiC told me I have no other choice than to purchase a new ticket. Like; what the. But realizing it was my fault I smiled & walked away. Next flight would be at 1055am. It costs around RM450++. Nasiblah punya teman2 yang baik, they helped me sort out my problem. Beli new ticket from KL I don't have enough cash therefore I used Turak's cc to buy it. Phew...oh my, what a day to start my Sunday.
I'd called the hotel & reconfirm with them the time we'll reached Ngurahrai Airport. Also Pak Laba. There goes my 8 hours of angan2 to spend my solely moment in Denpasar. Kerana kesilapan tongol sayur pahit...I got myself stranded at the airport for hours. I have finally killed 2 birds at one time. Lesson for future reminder also experience for the mind. One heaven of a lesson that I will never forget in my whole life.
Hakikat...kau memang sengaja cari pasal rosakkan ur suppose to be blissful Sunday, cik Err. Juga kau memang sah terbukti adalah DQ...sign mati sudah tu melekat di forehead kau. Ndak palah, thing happened for a reason. Bukan ayat penyedap hati tapi tu hakikat. Sure ada hikmah benda ni jadi, arasso? Lagi pula dapat naik the same flight with the other bffs, harus best. I will be bangas vibrate ketawa sendiri2 no more.
Ugh I just love the melancholic me.
sa hanya mampu cakap
ada hikmah bei itu
astagfirullahhh errr...mcmana jg ko bole lmbt btul...deiiii..bole ko shoping sakan dgn tu rm400++ tu..huhuhuhuhu..
@Ernie: Byk hikmah..sbb ptg tu trus sy demam. Klu sy arrived Bali awal trus sakit, sepa mau jaga sy kan.
@Finiey: Hahaha blame the traffic. Ada marathon tu pagi, byk jalan ttp tp dorg xinform awal2. Biarlah, xjg aku menshopping sakan sbb mcm rushing btl ni kami dr 1 tmpt p 1 tmpt.
bukan cc si si tingau bahhhhh
Sy post ni entry b4 sy tau itu cash c Unang. Hahaha. Biar Pindik dapat credit sekali sekala.
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