Assalamualaikum. Ni Hao!
Previous entry (here).
Beijing, China
From Summer Palace, we took the subway again to Niujie Mosque.
Beigongmen Line 4 ---> Cai Shi Kou Line 7 ---> Guang'anmennei Station Line 7 (Exit C2)
Out from Exit C2, memang both of us ikut instinct saja. Perk of travelling without internet data *smirk*. Akibat kedekut mau invest on wifi modem nor data roaming kan begitulah akibatnya. Google maps doesn't work that well in China either hence bertabahlah masing-masing ikut direction studied prior the trip. And just a bit of TMI, bab arahan ikut south north west memang aku paling failed, sekian. Luckily Jea learned a bit of Chinese when she was in uni, dapatlah baca few Chinese characters on the street signs.
Alhamdulillah Allah mudahkan kerja. We found the correct route to Niujie Mosque in no times. Thank you Jea for explaining those Chinese characters walau aku blurred kambing malam tu.
Niuijie Mosque is located on the Ox Street (Niujie Street) hence it is also known as Ox Street Mosque. It is the most historical & majestic mosque in Beijing. It was first built in 996 & had undergone numerous refits & extensions.
It was already passed Isya' when we arrived. The gate was about to close but when the mosque keeper saw us, he asked us if we're Malaysian. Immediately after we said yes (suara bangga gila ok), he said we can come in but we have to hurry as he has to close the mosque.
"Malaysians always welcome here"
I will never forget this phrase he uttered. So proud of being Malaysians we are!
I didn't take much picture inside because it was already pitched black in there. No street lamp or whatsoever except at certain areas. We saw the 10 meters tall Watching Moon tower; which was used by the Imam to observe the position of the moon to determine times for fasting (holy month of Ramadhan).
#1 The entrance gate; we entered via a different gate as this was already closed when we arrived. |
#2 The mosque is although structurally based on traditional Chinese wooden palace; adapted typical Arabic-style decorations |
#3 Prayer hall; we didn't get in as both of us are in ABC |
Ndak lama pun kami di masjid knowing the keeper is waiting for us. Kesian lah orang pun ada rumah, mau balik dinner with family. Yang kami pun kena cepat cari makan sebelum penyakit lain datang. Haven't had proper meal since morning. Kejadian pula kan kalau sakit di tempat orang. Nauzubillah.
And so we went to this building we saw earlier while on the way to the mosque. Kiranya sebelum jumpa masjid, akan nampak this building on your right side. Memang melantun gembira upon seeing all those green signs (standard Halal sign in China I reckoned).
#3 This boleh skip as it sells fresh meat. Mana pula kami mau berkungfu masak di Beijing Station tu kan. Unless ada bawa traveler cooker masa tu |
#4 Some of the Halal restaurant in the building. Ni bukan our cup of tea lah |
#5 Inside the building, banyak jual Chinese snacks also breads & pastries. |
We took the escalator up to the 1st Floor where the canteen / food court is. Ni la aim utama kami since Day 1 di Beijing. Aim untuk perut tu benda penting tau. Alhamdulillah menjejak juga Niujie Muslim Food Place ni.
#6 First thing first, surveyed tiap lot (sambil telan liur sebab semua nampk alsedaps!) |
#7 Melantun biji mata bila tengok ni balik. I want these! Right now! |
#8 The thing I regretted the most up to this moment. I didn't buy any of these to bring to Beijing Station. Seteghes oii bila ingat balik. |
#9 Chinese cuisine; without doubt is among the most sedap |
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#10 Ahjussi beli apa tu? *kepoh* |
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#11 Jea adalah sejenis pemakan nasi tegar while si Err sejenis no rice is ok as long as there is food. |
Itulah hasil setelah tawaf food court 2-3 kali. My mee soup consists of so many side dishes & one of them was hati lembu. And of course loads of vege kalau si Err. That bowl seems small in this picture but trust me, it's huge. Kenyang sampai rasa mau ngensot pi subway station tau.
After makan, we made our move to Beijing Railway Station right away. Konon mau ngopi dalam station jak nanti. Tengoklah macamana kejadian nya.
Till next entry, wassalam
terlalu banyak benda yang boleh di explore di China. InsyaAllah nak pg jugak nanti lepas virus2 berakhir.
ayam goreng tu sejuk & keras..rasa tawar..
Nohas: Ye ke? Sibaik ambik yang sup so memang confirm panas.
@Ren: Betul ah Janggel. Baca news angka kematian makin meningkat. China ni aku suka sebab pergi province lain, view lain feeling lain. Culture pun lain.
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