Alhamdulillah. Kembali sihat. Berkat usaha minum air bergelas bukan kata ulangan. Only the cough stayed for me to handle. Thanks kepada si nafsu yang sukakan minuman sejuk lagi berais.
Anyway, I gotta say this out loud. Today is one helluva Monday for myself. I'm loving it to bits! Syukran ya Allah. Perhaps, having the 8 hours of deep soundly sleep last night has everything to do with the mood. Fully energetic! Forget the awful sound when I cough...for it's just a minor thing to think of today.
Monday started off great. I woke up early. Went to work early. Arrived cafe early. And best parts of all...segala urusan settle seperti magis. Umpama memetik jari. Erm, sila jangan berbunyi riak Bie . But seriously, that was what happened today. Bukan part meriakkan diri, chop!
Despite being short of staffs at the cafe & have tons to do at the immigration department...I feel myself at peace doing/handling everything. No stress. No pressure. Zero. Mengkali betul lah apa orang cakap. Bila hati senang & jiwa tenang; semua kerja jadi simple untuk dilaksanakan. Oh yeah, I couldn't agree more with that!
Syukur atas rasa & kurniaan ini ya Rabb. Bunga2 pink sedang berkembang mekar dalam taman hati. Gue adalah suka & senaaaang sekali. Oh bunga mekar, sila jangan layu. Kalau sudah agak tua, sila kembangkan 'zuriat' sebelum gugur menyembah bumi ya.
Fine, ndak boleh lebey2 excited nanti makan diri. Tapi before gue tamatkan drama sebabak entry kali ni, gue maok ambil kesempatan ini untuk ucap tahniah ama teman gue Mrs. Is****za @ Belle.
Gedik boleh. She was in the midst of contraction, yet still managed to pose before entering the delivery hall. Hampas mak buyung sorang ni. Nak cute aje. Bunyi agak envy di situ.
Belle, congrats on your bundle of joy. Sorry for the late wish. I am so happy for u. I pray him happiness & bliss; all life long. And sorry juga sebab cilok those pictures without ur consent. Hmm abaikan idea nak menyaman I ok. Sebab dah sah I tak makan saman kot.
Insya Allah, I'll meet u next month. And I akan usaha tunaikan janji dalam SMS tu. *gelak guling*
Dan juga...Happy YoungDay to Nurul Khairunie! May u grow wiser & jiwa kental each day, darling sister.
Ok tamat sudah entry. Does it not obvious already? Walau hati girang taman ada bunga...tetap penyakit malas itu belum mati. Die hard fan betul sama sistem aku. Or is it vice versa? Whatever it is...pokok pangkal utama; hati aku senang gumbira. Alhamdulillah.
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