Dari kelmarin guna khidmat superwalkertapaki a.k.a berjalan kaki. Sikit patah pinggeng gue. But it was one helluva weekend for moi. Syukur.
Alhamdulillah. Weekend mission was a success. Bought 3 tops from Roupa Booth yesterday. One of them is for mother. Getting one for her was in the list because she's been pestering every now & then about not having any proper tops to wear to work.
Cousins...tripping at Megalong, Dongs.
Today, accomplishment of the mission to hunt dress for beloved cousin's big day wrapped up my weekend. Bliss.
Bathe Darling at Wisma Merdeka...had breakfast at Peppermint Cafe, Gaya Street...started off the dress hunting at Wisma; later to Centre Point; then to Warisan; afterwards to Karamunsing...mother & aunt bought their dresses at Karamunsing. Finally a purchase. Turned back to Warisan where I got mine. Phew harus letih patah tulang belulang. Lucky I was smart enough to wear flats...kalau ndak, ada tu tumit bengkak berpecah euw sangat bidak ok.

While on the way to WM. Slow traffic movement at Gaya St. area is normal on Sunday morning. And it's also normal for me to click & click & smile...ngeh~~

New 'members' for the wardrobe. Nikmat untuk orang bekerja...serious happy giler nampak hasil titik peluh. Oh please just ignore the poyo-ness.
While waiting for the rest getting ready...harus sesi ini ambil port.
Psst; adalah mencuba mentry style baru. The younger brother said nothing upon seeing me with the new style...which I presumed as positive feedback. Oh yeah...he will definitely comment if it looks horrible. Because he enjoyed appointing himself as my 'fashion judge'. I trust his sense of fashion more than mine.
IF he says I looked like an ugger in certain new style I tried...I'll take his words in earnest. Walau sometimes I chose to just neglect his bongos comment...bah mau jugakan mencuba walau tau ndak sesuai. It's in every women gene ok. Hence please set the mind & bear with the complexity already. Nah emo tiba2.