14 July 2011


Entry ni memang bakal buat orang muntah darah kot! Suka aku leii. Malam ni bulan mengambang, jadi sesi recite Y pun terpaksa dicutikan. Hence I took this opportunity to let the mind goes pink. Blame the hormone. I guess that's the reason of this sudden urge to do this super special entry. I don't know when will I be able to afford to fulfil my dreams. *refer pics below*

So berangan jak lah duluan...jadilah. Sila tahu, ini bukan main desire ok. Ndak mau 'lapar' harta dunia semata.

Elegant. If I were to have this...I'll ditto the swans.

This!!! My favourite. Dapat dapur gini...sah aku makin rajin masak.

BUT I'll change the refrigerator to this.
This oven too.

The stove as well.
Super comey toaster!

Sophisticated kettle.

Wooooooot please listen...this mixer adalah idaman kalbu. Insya Allah will get my hands on this; one fine day. Cornell's RED mixer terpaksa diucap selamat tinggal.

Dapat super cosy couch begini...sangat seronok!
Dapat lagi sewing machine ni; makin rajin aku belajar menjahit. Excuse lagi! Sampai bila ndak lah kau belajar tu kan Bie selagi ndak terbeli.

Tambah exotic sewing machine tu bila dapat tool box as above.

This bathroom is as big as my current bedroom I guess. Tapi ok juga kalau tidur dalam tab tu kan. Like the wall paint to the core; blends with Fuchy very well. Aduh fening!

Ok get back to real life already...masa untuk berangan sudah tamat cik Err.



Malicious Mind said...

hahahaha. syok kan kalau ada rumah sendiri boleh buat interior semua pink!

Unknown said...

Indeed!!! For now, I'm gonna start with the bedroom la dluan. Belum smpi time ada rumah sndr. Wait till I buy 1. Hahaha.

shidot said...

MANA KO DPT GMBR2 NI..PINK OK! sib baik aku xgile cam ko!

Unknown said...

Babe, google dengan nama super specific gitu!!! Hahahaha xde gile sgt kot. Minat sgt2 je. LOL