

21 February 2014

South Korea Day 5: Pyeongchang Trout Festival, Jinbu

Assalamualaikum. 안녕!

Yeah, ada progress with the update. Less busy at the cafe so mari kita curi tulang update blog. Another 5 days to go. Hwaiting Bie!

We celebrated the first day of 2014 somewhere 2 hours from Seoul. Oh yeah! Terbabas sikit dari plan asal. Kunun mau bangun awal to catch the shuttle bus provided by Korea Tourism at 7am near Gwanghwamun Square. We've made a reservation prior coming. Naik shuttle bus ni dapat jimat banyak. We only have to pay 10,000₩/person for return journey to & fro Seoul-Jinbu. 

Tapi sebab tidur pun dekat 2am maka lambatlah kami bangun pagi tu. 
Alang2 sudah terbabas, marilah breakfast di hostel jak. Ingatkan mau tapau nasi ni & menjamu selera dalam bas. Ndak pa, bukan rushing pun. And dapat makan nasi goreng kampung panas2 di kala pagi yang sejuk membunuh adalah heaven. Breakfast pagi tu tajaan Pak Brahim's. Reheat jak.
Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. Located opposite Gangbyeon Station (Subway Line 2; Exit 4). 
We departed from the hostel around 930am. Reached Gangbyeon Station 15 mins later. Crossed the road & terpacaklah depan kaunter terminal. 
Beli tiket adalah sangat kacang pis. Itu sebab Jinbu ndak susah mau pronounce kan. Dapat aku kena beli tiket to Hoenggye?? Harus pengsan! 
Melayang 6,200₩ gara2 lambat bangun. Ndak palah, bukan selalu pigi Jinbu. Apadehal RM 24.00. Sob. 
Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. 
Macam dejavu bila aku berdiri di area parking bay ni. I was here in 2012 en route to Hoenggye Intercity Bus Terminal. Masa tu destinasi was to Yongpyeong Ski Resort. This time, we headed to Jinbu Bus Terminal for the Pyeongchang Trout Festival.
On board the bus. Han River (Hangang) view. 
Lepas jak snap gambar di atas, aku pun simpan phone. And bermulalah aktiviti memproses taikmata. Tidur ndak hengat. Ahjussi driver pula bawa bas sungguh berhemah. 

I woke up after one hour. On the way to Jinbu, we passed by few villages kiri kanan highway. Pastu ada lintas tunnel twice if I'm not mistaken sebab masih mamai kan masa tu. 
White winter holiday for us. Syukur! Dream came true.
Seleji lagi!
After snowfalls yang sekejap di Chuncheon, aku ndak lah berharap sangat akan jumpa snowfall lagi. Sudah tertunai impian haritu, jadinya bersyukur harus. Yet when it snow again that day, memang aku rasa macam mau melompat dalam bas. Lebat pula tu. Semangkit gila I woke my cousin from her deep sleep. Pastu dengan paksa rela dia melayan aku. 
Apartment LH tu landmark yang Ahjumma di Jinbu Terminal bagi aku. Bangunan apartment ni berdepan sama terminal bas jak. And venue for the festival is just opposite the road of this apartment. Memang jalan kaki less than 5 mins pun from the terminal.
Gloomy weather. Terus aku buat assumption, mesti ada lagi ni snowfall. See? Mula tu bersyukurlah, ndak berharap sangatlah. Sekali nampak yang lebat on the way tadi, teruslah tamak kan. 
Open for public from 20 Dec to 2 Feb. The entrance is free. So sila masuk jangan segan2. More info about the festival here.
First, tinjau kawasan. Sebab masih blur apa boleh dibuat apart from memancing trout. 
Ok boleh main snowbuster. Since aku ndak sempat main di Everland, mari lepas kempunan di sini.
Ada khemah tempat berehat. And panaskan badan. Pastu ada gerai jual macam2 jenis snacks. Hot drinks too. 
Rasa2 berapa bah suhu di Jinbu for this to happened? Tinggi ais ni jak dekat 5-6 meters. Frozen lagi. How long will it take to melt, eh?
Ukir ais jadi living area pula. Pastu aku pun poyo mau posing duduk atas kerusi tu. Ampun! Sejuk & beku bontot terus.
Sudah meronda & kenal pasti apa boleh dibuat...masuk building ni untuk beli tiket. 
Pastu bingung & blur. I can read Hangul; yes! But I don't understand them. Yang ada translation hanyalah nama games tu. How the system works memang ke laut aku faham.
Suddenly, ada Ahjumma ni approached us. With little English she explained to me things I need to know. Punyalah helpful walau ada masa tu dia gagap sikit sebab mau cari ayat yang aku boleh faham. 
Admission ticket.
We paid 18,000₩ per person for six games. That's the cheapest package available. Kalau mau beli tiket for each game pun boleh tapi rugilah because one game already cost 6,000. We skip the fishing part because it's quite expensive. Few benda i.e net, bait; need to buy separately. Ndak dapat ikan memang rugilah. So marilah kita hiburkan diri main games jak. 
Ada Ahjussi tolong pasangkan cangkuk tu. Tiket ni kena visible to the staffs. 
Jadual bas untuk balik Seoul. Informative sungguh, sana sini jadual ni ada dalam area festival tu. Column untuk Dong Seoul is the one on the far left; pink colour gitu.
Facilities! Hatta merokok pun ada cabin sendiri. Health-conscious kan. And I like it.
Heading to the trout fishing area. Semangkit tunjuk tiket walhal bukan boleh masuk dalam area memancing tu pun. Sob.
Comel kan all the tents; sangat organized. This area is accessible only to those with tickets. Ndak da istilah, anak temankan bapa memancing yadda yadda. Mau teman, sila beli tiket. 
Mampu? Sampai berbaring kau memancing punya pasal. 

Sudah puas cuci mata tengok orang memancing pelbagai gaya, pastu kagum lagi sama orang yang keluar bawa berekor2 trout...kami pun jalan heading to the games area. And suddenly, ribut salji. Punyalah lebat, angin yang menampar muka jangan tanya level sejuk dia. 
Gaban punya sejuk. Aku yang pakai tudung ni pun boleh terasa telinga berdesing. Mata pedih gila sebab masuk habuk salji tu. Terpaksa jalan membelakang.

Snow storm lasted less than three minutes tapi pedih di muka aku ndak payah cakap. We queued at the first game we wanted to try. The snow rafting. Yang ni cuma boleh main sekali so staff yang jaga ticked our ticket to mark yang kami sudah main game ni. Kalau pun boleh main banyak kali, memang taubat aku ndak mau. Once is enough. 
Paling extreme.
Main game ni memang paling mematahkan pinggang. Tunggang terbalik, sikit jak aku terpelanting keluar should I didn't grab tightly to the rope attached at the tube. Since both my cousin & I ikut tube yang sama, we have no picture of us riding it. Jadinya curi lah gambar dari website festival tu. Ngeks.
Snow-sledding. Memang superb ah. Rugi aku ndak bawa phone naik atas as the view from the departure area lagi lawa. Kan tempat tu tinggi. Yang ni boleh ulang alik main sampai muntah.
4-wheels ATV ni pun boleh ulang sampai pengsan. Punyalah susah aku mau control benda alah ni. Berat ok, berat.
We spent the longest time at this area. Alhamdulillah finally dapat main their traditional folk game; sledding. Selama ni teringin gila bila tengok Running Man & other K-variety shows. Sledding is one of the most popular folk winter games among Korean.
Lenguh gila kaki main benda alah ni, tapi gagahkan juga main. Bukan selalu dapat main atas sungai beku!
Selang seli main ice bicycle pula. Kaki yang sejuk gigil, memang berzaman lah ambil masa to cycle. Demiii pengalaman manis kan. Gagahkan juga mengayuh.
Lemak berlaci2 di perut made it triple times harder for me to cycle. Sob sob! Nasib juga ndak cramp kaki aku time ni.
We wanted to try skating but there weren't any ice skate available. There is no limit of time to play the games here. So I waited manatau ada yang mau let go like the ice bicycle yang kami jumpa tengah2 rink tu. After almost an hour of waiting; tapi sambil main sledding lah near the ice skate booth...we gave up. Lagipun kami plan to take the 5pm bus back to Seoul. 
Besar gila heater. Try taruk muka, memang hangus total terus. 
I spent my first day of 2014 with the little cousin of mine; who I used to babysit when she was a kid. 
Jinbu Bus Terminal view from the apartment. Masa ni matahari pun tiba2 memunculkan diri. But only for few good minutes. 
Bus arrived early but departed from Jinbu on the dot. Journey back to Seoul took nearly four hours as there were massive road congestion along our way back. Ahjussi sempat take a break at one of the RnR at the highway. Should I know the cousin is going to vomit on the bus, I will definitely go search something for her to eat. Perut kosong & dalam bas pula panas sebab heater kuat sangat, then she only had nasi goreng for breakfast & roasted chestnut at the festival thus she vomited twice while on the bus. Masa di Jinbu aku tanya lapar or ndak, she told me she's quite full with the chestnut & soya drink that we bought at the festival. 

Lucky us Ahjumma sebelah hulur beg pelestik & tisu. Penat aku bow ucap Kamsahapnida sama Ahjumma tu. Sungguh ndak ternilai bantuan pelestik tu. Else memang kena sumpah seranah lah sama passenger lain if my cousin vomited on the floor. 

I forced her to take my magical gula2 Hacks. This candy memang benda paling sentiasa ada dalam beg aku. Sampai Seoul, memang lembik habis sudah budak kecil tu. So we headed straight to our hostel. Selamat tinggal plan untuk dinner di Sindang Tteokbokki padahal yang mau sangat makan sana was her. Malam tu aku jadi masterchef ndak bertauliah lagi sekali. Buat mushroom soup, telur dadar & makan sama nasi panas. Memang superb kenyang! 

I'll leave u with the videos I took at the festival. Ntah apa jak lah kualiti video ni. But ni lah sumber memori terbaik for us both. Apart from the hundreds of pictures we took that day. 

Syukran Allah for the opportunity. Moment at Pyeongchang I will cherished my whole life. First time merasa ribut salji kan. Albeit only the mild storm. 



  1. Dejavu sbb balik kampung la mau tecabut ka tu lutut...sajuk!

    1. @Ernie: Amazingly muka sija rasa membeku. Tapi kaki & tangan biasa. Siap boleh buka gloves most of the time.

  2. Wahhh terbaek laahh... pakej cukup lengkap... u want snow? u want blizzard? nak main2 atas ais beku? Everything at one go ...

    1. @Azra: Semua merasa at once. Memang lengkap giler pakej kat Pyeongchang masa tu. Syukur sangat.

  3. kenangan yang sungguh indah buat anda. Main atas sungai beku.

  4. Replies
    1. @Abang MKL: Alhamdulillah. Selama ni memang pasang niat nak main salji, nak main atas sungai beku. Tercapai impian. Senyum xhengat sepanjang kat sana.

  5. ala... jelous.,.. nak jugakkkk... T___T

  6. Amboi kek sini jeles tahap dewa nih!
    Harus aku ikot jejak mu nanti.

  7. @HafizAzmi: Hihi boleh repeat nanti. Banyak festival for winter diorang ni anjur. Not only in Jinbu.

    @Syieda: Hahaha sila lah mengikut jejak. Nanti nak try ice climbing lak kat Guguk Waterfall. Tengok rancangan 2Days1Night baru ni rasa tercabar keimanan gitu.

    1. Ah gitu bie..dah lama x follow 2days 1 nite tu..sbb seungi dah x de. Sob sob..

    2. Hahaha sebab Seungi je ko follow ye. Aku tengok tu sebab Cha Tae-hyun. Aku suka tengok dia.

  8. hahaha aku JELES woi....JELESSSSS...hahahaha

  9. @DJ: Hahaha kan tadi ko kata kalau xberapa suka J, akan repeat ke Korea. So nanti make sure repeat during winter. Gi tempat atas2 sikit so chances untuk merasa salji turun memang tinggi.

  10. banyak betoi aktiviti boleh buat dekat sini bibie, kalau aku pun seronok abis. tapi sayang, skating buat takde time limit pulak, memang sampai ke sudah lah tak dapat main kalau tak booked awal-awal...

  11. @Orga: Memang banyak. Nextime kalau aku datang festival gini lagi, insha Allah nak try trout fishing tu. Dengan syarat, kenalah bawa extra $$. Ice skate tu xleh nak book, sape cepat dia dapat. Kalau tau, memang sampai je terus main skating dulu. Yang best tengah sledding & cycling tu snow turun mencurah2. Rasa kat fantasi gitu.

  12. I hate you for this post!! arghh jealous tahap lagu big bang 'fantastic baby ' sudah. Seronoknya! tapi pandai juga naik bus kan, kalau saya masih tak confident hahaha

  13. Hahahaha terus aku bayangkan kesayangan Big Bang menyanyi. Bas kat sana sangat user-friendly xkan sesat or konfius nye. Janji tau mana nak naik or turun, kacang pis je sume.

  14. salam..
    wah sgt seronok..rasa cam ade dlm salji sejuk tu bile baca entry ni..
    wish to go Pyeongchang in my coming ajak kamu jd tourist guide bule ka??...haha

  15. @Nyza: Wassalam. Annyeong! Hihi aku kalau tengok gambar ni semua pun still boleh memorize rasa happy & sejuk masa tu. Nak jadikan tourist guide? Boleh je. Kita gi sesama. Nyza ko keje ngan company Korea kan. Ke aku silap.

  16. bie,
    ye aku kerja ngan comp Korea.
    Hanjin Shipping. Aku pergi free tahun lepas bulan 5..comp korea ku support semua.aku rindu sama itu air pisang.hahahhaha

    1. Tulah dah agak sebab aku baca entries Korea ko. Bestnya keje ngan diorang. Boleh ulang alik Korea company sponsored. Banana uyu tu memang kena minum kalau turun Korea. Mesti. Huhu.

  17. tak ulang alik korea pun, ramai oppa ensem di ofis ku ini..haha..ari2 cuci mata...heaven tau..hahaha ko haaadee??..hahahahaha

    1. Ko ulang alik cuci mata tengok negara diorang la kalau gitu. Aku xhade tulah kena ulang alik gi sana tu.

  18. bie,
    nice to meet you here..
    aku rasa sudah kenal ko lama saje..
    hehe..salam perkenalan

  19. @Nyza: Nice knowing u too. Hihi thanks sudi singgah. Salam kenal juga. Lantas aku malu2 kucing hahaha.

  20. Bibie, senang ke nak beli tiket dekat Dong Seoul ni? Plan nak gi YongPyong (Hoengye station kan?) tahu tak berapa harga tiket?(last time bibie ada gi kan?) boleh beli return sekali ke? (Takut bas takde dari hoengye mati pula) ... Email me the detail kalau boleh

    Isnin saya pergi.. :p

    1. @RadinFadli: Check ur email. Hopefully info saya share tu still valid. Korea ni sistem dia selalu je upgrading.

      Have fun. Ouh sungguh jeles. Huhu.

  21. salam..nk tnye psl trout fishing slalu bce blog awk... heehehe

    1. Mashirnani: Wassalam. Boleh je. Email saya kat insha Allah apa2 saya tau boleh share.

  22. Is it worth it to go? Am heading to Phoenix Park to ski next year and thought of catching the trout festival on its last day.

    1. Mountaineer: As this is one of the major winter festivals in South Korea, experiencing something I will never experience in my hometown is of course worth every thing for me. There are many festivals held during the winter, just head to one of those & experience it urself. I didnt try the trout catching but watching people patiently catch it was fun & exciting enough for me. I'm heading to the one held in Hwacheon next year.
