

11 August 2011

Wedding Bell!!

First & foremost...heartiest congratulations to dear 'sister' Ms. Heldah Galambun @ Grunge & dear Oppa Mr. Melario Stephen @ Rio. The love birds is OFFICIALLY MARRIED at the civil court yesterday. Praised be to the Almighty. Despite the obstacles & hurdles along the way, they eventually made it. And with God's willing forever the relationship will be; that's my prayer.
The marital blessing will be held next month at Grunge's hometown in Ranau. Together with the reception for Grunge's side. Oh yeah, insya Allah bakal berkunjung ke tanah tinggi Syawal nanti with the PPGs & Posers. *banana dance* And reception for Rio's side will be held at KDCA a week after that. Acara menggebukan perut akan berlangsung jadi HARUS control food intake starting from now! Sekian.

The only picture Grunge managed to upload & tagged me in her mukabuku. Ignore the date please! I reckoned Grunge was uber excited & super nervous at the same time to even bother to check the date set in her camera.

Congrats once more to u both. My greatest wish for the two of you;
Through the years, your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now you will look back on this day; your WEDDING DAY as the day you loved each other the least.



  1. congr8 juga...dasyat tu tarikh 0hb0

  2. Silap tu date Aima. Supposed 09/08/11. Dia excited sampai lupa set date kali tu.

  3. 1.Tengkiuuuusssssss banyak2 for the prayers and good u too muchosssssssss

    2. Tarian banana? apakah? wakakakakak

    3. Diet buli tp x buli nmpk manteps dr bride to be...wakakakakak *saiko*

    4. ko jugala... sa langsung x perasan tu date ok! hahahah thanksss again.. w/out u guys to listen to my curhat when i had a rainy day and being my pillar of strengths, i wouldn't be here!!


  4. 1. Tarian banana sgt comey. Sesuai dengan nama gue, kan?

    2. Oh itu harus deh. Gue kok udah canang dari dulu, nggak boleh kelihatan mantep dari peranten.

    3. Itu guna mata DQ ko tau ka. Serba serbi pun kunun2 perlu diteliti. Wakakak ada rasa mau pancung kepala gue? Ngek.

    Loads of love to u both, peranten baru.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
