

12 August 2011

Tidak Mahu...kalau setakat nama


It's the 12th day of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah for still being given the chance to savour the pleasure from this holy month. Praise be to Allah SWT.

Up to this moment, I am certain I haven't do anything worthy as yet. Still Allah; The Exalted has never leave me.

I've been showered with too many blessings I sometimes wonder what right have I done to be receiving such reward. Subhanallah. I prayed for zillion of ridiculous wishes but I often forgot to praise Allah for those uncountable gifts He has bestowed upon me from the moment I was born into this wonderful yet sinful world.

How I even dare to question why hasn't Allah granted my wish(es) when most of the time I disobey His commands? Could someone slap me right now please? I pretended as if I didn't know. I acted as if no one ever taught or told me. Sleazy, yes?

“dan hendaklah kamu meminta ampun kepada Tuhanmu dan bertaubat kepada-Nya. (Jika kamu mengerjakan yang demikian), niscaya Dia akan memberi kenikmatan yang baik (terus menerus) kepadamu sampai kepada waktu yang telah ditentukan dan Dia akan memberikan kepada tiap-tiap orang yang mempunyai keutamaan (balasan) keutamaannya. Jika kamu berpaling, maka sesungguhnya aku takut kamu akan ditimpa siksa hari kiamat.”
(Huud ayat 3)
“kecuali orang-orang yang sabar (terhadap bencana), dan mengerjakan amal-amal soleh; mereka itu beroleh ampunan dan pahala yang besar.
(Huud ayat 11)

All I really hope right now is for me to be extra careful with words I utter & things I do. Also my actions as well as my behaviour. I may have said this thousand of times before...and I know nothing haven't change much. But I put high hope for my du'a to be granted. I will hold this faith until my last breathe. Insya Allah.

Moga Allah tetapkan hatiku hanya pada Dia. Walau amalan aku banyak rumpang & lubang sana sini. Itu aku akan cuba fix secepat yang mungkin. I am utterly grateful for being born as a Moslim. Alhamdulillah, Syukran Ya Rabb.

p/s Tidak mahu hanya Islam pada nama & appearance...
