

20 July 2011

Ate...awok doa.

Wow weeeee...someone's back to work already. Frankly speaking, I couldn't be of more happier and geletis-ier. Upon receiving the precious text message this morning, smile has been widely drawn on my face. Oh yeah, I'm smiling ear to ear. And currently am sailing in the pinkest mood. Lurve my Wednesday!

Erk, kenapakah perlu gumbira sebegini rupa? Bukan boleh cuci mata sampai bersih mata hitam menatap wajah. Bior lerr, janji awok dapat dengar soghe pun jadi lerr. Haaa keluar bahasa Perak nan berterabur aku, ni semua penangan Ustaz Kazim lah.

And speaking of him remind me of his current state of health. Ustaz has been unwell ever since he underwent a surgery early this month. In his mukabuku, it's reported that he was discharged from the hospital few days after the surgery & has been resting at home since then. He has to cancel classes in order to recover. Last Sunday, he was admitted once again due to infection on his wound. He has high fever. Hasn't been able to sleep for 12 days. Subhanallah.

Semoga Ustaz cepat sembuh supaya dapat meneruskan perjuangan menegakkan kalimah-Nya. Insya Allah. Amin.

I am an avid fan of his lectures. I listen to his talks everyday without fail. Alhamdulillah. Syukran ya Rabb for Your Mercy; for giving me the opportunity to learn. While driving, instead of tuning into the radio I opted to insert my flash drive that contains his lectures. Thanks to Fuchy darling for the usb port installed in her. But don't get me wrong, I only chose to listen to him when I was alone in the car. Kalau ada orang lain dalam kereta, mau aku nanti di-cop trip alim pulak. Ahaks.

Before sailing to dreamland, I love putting on the earphones & tune in to youtube. Search any of his lectures online & listen to it until I fall asleep. And harus Mr. Sam ber-charge all night long. If it wasn't connected to the might goes out of batt & eventually died. Which means no buzzing to wake me up the next morning. Maka akan melepas SuPra...melambat bangun untuk ke kantor. Haru!

Anyway, vidclip below was the first of Ustaz's lecture that I listened to. And immediately caught my ears; melt my heart. Thanks to Ruby for tagging me in mukabuku. May Allah Grace be with u always darling.

Ever since this clip, I haven't stop from listening & downloading his lectures. Syukran Ustaz for sharing the knowledge & wisdom Allah bestowed upon u.


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