

14 October 2010

Ugh jiwa kacau halfway. Griping about JK has been my most favorite thing to bask in these past few days. Alkisah berdrama itu perlu.

The new modem at home decided to die on me. It officially started showing off its rebellious side since Monday. I don't know with others, but I experience sort of no-internet connection at least a week every freaking month. Still, bill payment remain the same. No deduction whatsoever. Untung company yang manage tu kan. Called the customer service...even tried to solve the prob with the personnel through phone, but to no avail. No problem detected in their system, no maintainance work at the station...tapi connection nan ado. And suddenly after few days, like magic...tetiber line selancarnyer.

Can't do my work nor get online at the office as well. The CPU was sent to the service center last week. Motherboard failure. Memang pesta belanja duit since last Sept. Hmmm lucky enough this time it's on the company. Gonna pick up the CPU this evening. Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat membuat kerja dengan jayanya. iffffff!

Right now I'm blogging through my precious mobile phone. Thanks to Celc*om for the free access. Lasted 24hours only. Yay. This is what I called reward. In time of not so dire need of getting online, I got such gift. Syukran. Matikah anda...ICU kah anda wahai perempuan kalau tiada internet? Oh heaven no I won't. CSI has been keeping me company at night. Woot woot, all 3 states trying to settle 1 big case. Adrenaline rushing up babes!

Laura's coming back this evening. So can't wait to meet her...tons of stories to be shared I reckoned. Well mainly because of ALL the texts she sent while she was away from us. Details need to be tell...texts are only intros. Ngeh~~



  1. my stories to be continued ah lol tunggu full crew present ;))))))

  2. Full crew? Ntah bila dpt kumpul yg lengkap ni. But I will still wait! xxx
