

24 May 2010


Flu really plays its important role in my life today. Up to this moment, I’ve used up 1 packet of Premier regular tissue & 1 packet of Pureen wet wipe my teary eyes & also to blow my nose. Ok haruskah poyo untuk mention jenama tisu yang diguna? *angguk2 kepala*

I need to use a fresh new ply every time I wanted to blow the nose or wipe the eyes. Now I feel that the nose area is thinning. It’s kind of smarting whenever I wipe the area using the wet tissue. Perhaps, rubbing using the regular tissue was a bit too harsh for the area.

Can’t do much work today as aktiviti lelehan berlaku incessantly...somehow I find it kind of disturbing my concentration. Not to forget the teary eyes that come the very second right after I sneeze; without failed. Mata adalah pedih ok. And teary eyes pula always associated with the word sleepy. Aduiyai; gue udah kecukupan tidur malam tadi dong. Ndak kan mau tidur lagi di ofis...ndak pasal2 jadi panda ni.

If Chenta Hati was here...I will be hearing stuffs like “Cukupla gosok hidung...sudah ndak mancung, nanti lagi ndak mancung” or “Ee cute pula ko bersin kan”. And always; ketawa besar will followed right after the latter was uttered. Tapi aku memang BANGGA bukan riak, bila kena puji gitu. Pernah kau dengar orang puji chenta hati dorang gitu? Ha...tu pasal lah aku konon suka because it's one of very rare kind of a compliment. Titik. Ok, apa la kunun kes tiba2 di tengah hari buta ni aku terbitkan aura kerinduan. Berpenyakitan berterusan.

Bagus pay attention sama lelehan di hidung ni...YET the only problem that worries me now, alkisah aku running out of tissue supply. Boleh ka guna kuasa ala2 veto untuk suruh the driver pigi beli tisu. Of courselah bukan sepaket dua ok...keji gila kalau aku suru beli gitu jak. Harus aku akan suruh beli at least berkotak. Yang boleh buat stok untuk tahun depan...wah tu dia kepoyoan macam si bontot kucing.

Lucky aku jumpa minyak kapak dalam beg...bukan 1 tapi 2 botol ok. Alah botol cenoet tu jak lah. Still, enough to cease lelehan dari berterusan. Alhamdulillah...tinggal mata ku jak yang macam dari planet ntah apa ni. Merah macam naga...

Alkisah ketiadaan air di cafe buat aku rasa betul2 rasa macam mau balik rumah & zzZZzzz. Perlu aku berjalan pusing library nan besar ni untuk tunaikan hajat & ambil wudhu'. Alamak...tipu. Bukan berjalan tapi naik miss Kens. Ngeh~~panas ok, harus lah ndak mau cair kalau guna superwalkertapaki.

Ndak pa, will be back in an hour. Since yesterday I didn't get to bring Kens for bathe, hari ni harus singgah WM. She really needs to bathe...comot suda ku tinguk kulit nan hitam itu emas si Kens ni. Imagine...last dia mandi was before I flew to Kolumpur. Punyalah zaman tok kaduk kan. Aishh.

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