

9 April 2010

My Friday started blissfully...

I woke up early. No traffic congestion to workplace. Alhamdulillah.

The air at the cafe pun sangat breezy & calming. Effect from yesterday's pouring I guess. Everything seems so perfect. Came afternoon, the peacefulness air finally polluted by some bloody brilliant group of people.

phew...I wouldn't say this "Kalau bukan ni tempat cari duit, lama suda aku terkam dia" nor this "Mau aku mengamuk bah tapi fikir juga tempat tu ramai orang" for I know IF the situation occurred elsewhere than my workplace or some place yang ndak ramai orang, I will still react the same.

And I don't think I need to explain to u why I didn't 'eat' them. Walking away from any argument doesn't mean u lose. Instead it shows ur level of patience & ur personality. Wahh kunun aku tadi apalah...berkarisma? Hancur!

But seriously, orang yang marah & cakap ndak ketentuan adakah timing dia buka telinga & listen to what we say? I apologized few times but tu pun ndak bagi dia apa makna. Hence I chose to stop the chaos by walking away. And keep my mouth shut. Bertekak sama orang separuh sedar won't make me look better than one. Adios gitu.

Hmmm...unsangkarable, educated people macam tu boleh buat standardization dalam hal mau respect orang. Like hello...perlukah zaman sekarang ni tinguk level of edu orang? Cari kerja pun orang tinguk experiences ok. What's more when it comes to respecting one as a human being.

Aduilah manusia, cepat betul lupa diri. Baru menapak naik menara gading; belum tau sampai puncak ka ndak tapi sudah ajar diri judge orang guna kepala lutut.

Oklah enough with the lepas geram already. Hari Jumaat adalah ndak baik merungut & cakap merapu. Basahkan lidah dengan zikrullah cik Err...load the mind with good thoughts. Only then will I get to free my mind from anxiety & mental stress.

Insya Allah...all in good times.

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