

24 March 2010

My ex-coursemate; ex-housmate & ex-roomate during my diploma year; Norasiah Najal turned TWENTY EIGHT last Sunday.

And because we didn't get to celebrate her birthday on Sunday...Mel & I decided to bring her dinner. Walau seribu kali dia ndak mau sebab takut kami bawa makan tempat dia kunun ndak mampu bayar. Paksaan & blackmail kami berkesan.

Typical her...memang concern bab expenses ni. Ada bah pula kami biarkan ko bayar Nor kalau sudah tu birthday treat from us. Haiya kacang botol betul ko kan.

Mel told me just now...masuk jak KR tu mata dia sudah buntang. And yes, ayat famous dia pun kedengaran. "Si Bibie ni kan memang suka kasi abis duit". Mel ignores always jugalah. And I went to SR; beli kek. This time kesilapan I did to Mel's bday cake dipastikan ndak jadi lagi. I got the age right this time. No more in denial of the real age, thank you.

I had fun with them...sesi gossip diri sendiri & misi untuk interrogate Nor's 'in a relationship' status berjalan lancar.

And now, heart is a bit kacau bilau. Nervous & anxious menanti Khamis. I hope I'll do well. Insya Allah.

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