

7 March 2010

Bliss Sunday...although yesterday I didn't buy any dresses as planned. Tumingan yang dulu cantik jadi bidak di mata...hatta alkisah jual beli a.k.a sesi habiskan duit tidak berjalan lancar.

Early this morning was the sesi pembersihan rumah. Puas hati semua habuk sudah dihapuskan; floor vac-ed & mopped. Puas hati juga sebab sang ibu did less bebelan. And bedroom doesn't look like a sinking wrecked ship anymore. Wallawei ayat kepoyoan terserlah ya'll.

Later in the evening...together with cousins & mother menyusuri pantai Tg. Aru. Bergaya depan camera was the main tujuan; as always. Sambil menikmati keindahan sunset of course. 1 of the many things I so love about Kota Kinabalu.

Anytime boleh bawa diri dekat sama beach; witnessing the sun goes down & haruslah kan akan dapat ketenangan. I found MY hearts is at peace everytime I lay my eyes before the sea. Not to forget the smell of the air laut. And clouds formation! Aku bisa pingsan gitu.

There's something I can't really explain when it comes to clouds. It's like berbicara bersama awan tika ia mula membentuk arcanya sendiri. Dusyum~~

~ Cousins & mother ~

Perut menyanyi dongdang sayang sudah...bau nonsom ikan menusuk hidung. Better off now...the smell is so tempting I just can't say no to it.

*wink* dinner sangat sedap...nonsom ikan bersama maggi laksa. Syukran.

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